The Monmouth County Libertarians are having an organizational meeting over lunch at the Manalapan Diner on Saturday, April 26. Anyone who has an interest in liberty is welcome to sit in.
From our state Vice-Chair and 6th District Libertarian congressional candidate Dorit Goikhman:
Let’s get active in Monmouth County!
This is an organizational meeting for Monmouth County NJLP Members, but we encourage attendance by anyone liberty minded – whether from Monmouth County or a neighboring area. Big L and little L libertarians ALL welcome.
Monmouth County NJLP Members will:
1) adopt bylaws;
2) appoint officers;
3) gauge interest in joining with the Central NJLP Committee;
4) determine a schedule and goal for future meetingsAnyone who comes out will get a chance to introduce themselves and ask questions. However, only NJLP members residing in Monmouth County will be allowed to vote.
The goal here is to start building a network of liberty minded friends in your local community.
Please come out and bring some friends!
The meeting starts at 11:00. Come see why the Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in the United States and the only political party that has been increasing in membership.
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