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House Values Of The Rich And Famous

Belmar Edition

Had some fun with Zillow’s Zestimate web page, which shows a satellite image of any neighborhood with their estimated value superimposed over every house.  Here is Belmar’s north end.

Click on the screen shot below to go to the actual page.  (It may not work in some browsers.)

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Pretty cool.

When you click on a particular property it gives you information about the house and its address.

You can then use the street view feature of Google Maps to see what it looks like.

Let’s go to Belmar’s most spectacular estate, the riverfront manse of local mogul Richard Tarzian.  It is located at 300 1st Ave and estimated to be worth $2.79 mil:

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Wow.  Very cool.  Is it true that Joan Rivers hangs out there?


Another interesting property is the Heisman house, located at 200 4th Ave.  It is valued at $2.15 mil:

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We walk past this house when we go to the beach.  I always jokingly tell visitors that it is Belmar’s executive mansion, where our mayors live.


Of course here in Belmar we don’t actually have an executive mansion.  This is the closest thing to it, the current mayor’s house at 112 Inlet Terrace.  Zillow says it’s worth $1.45 mil:

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Very nice.


Lastly, I present the house of someone who’s not at all rich and only very slightly famous, the humble abode of this writer.  It is located at 302 C St. and is valued at a quite affordable $841 thousand:

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Judging from the fact that the lawn is freshly mowed and my car isn’t there, I would guess Google took this picture on a Monday.


Here is a fun fact.  If you add up the value of all these beautiful houses, it comes out to $7.23 million.  So you could own all four of these, including the land, for quite a lot less than what we are spending to build two simple pavilions at 5th and 10th Avenues.  (It’s not only the $7 million.  There’s the inevitable change orders and other expenses that will arise.)

Sheesh!  That’s crazy!  Whoever thought of that idea should be sent to this house (valued at $25):






  1. Teddy Ehmann wrote:

    Gee! I am sorry sorry I missed the sale in 2004 of the Tarzian Mansion for one dollar. I know I could come up with at least $5. Couldn’t help but notice that when our Mayor came into office, Mr. Tarzian lost almost 1 million in equity.
    Oh well! it’s only money.

    Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at 2:09 pm | Permalink
  2. Party central wrote:

    Biggest waste of money ever, lifeguard party headquarters 50feet tall at it’s peak. A shrine to stupidity.private bath and showers for the police. Boom boom room is the proper name, of this building.

    Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at 5:38 pm | Permalink
  3. joegoofinoff wrote:

    Party Central,

    Sir, yes, there’ll be some real hijinx (all done very safely of course)going on there.


    Wednesday, May 7, 2014 at 7:47 am | Permalink
  4. Party central wrote:

    So are we building the love shack? Did the mayor approve 4 million for the lifeguard party HQ last night?

    Wednesday, May 7, 2014 at 6:18 pm | Permalink

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