A new level of sleazy self-promotion.
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Who paid for this Dave? Are you kidding me!?!
Puke Banner blocking the eastern horizon …. everyone will be punished.
Doherty is such a loser what a pathetic guy, haha
GENE: New Jersey tourism and YOU.
Is he unbelievable or what!! Forget the tourist commission or cops or Dpw or restaurants or musicians or residents. This is Belmar, where its all Matty all the time.
There’s one at the marina too. I guess that the big blinking sign that constantly blinds people isn’t doing its job? Maybe they will finally unplug it!
#voteformatt #makesummergreatagain #djais
Probably gonna see garbage like this right up to Election Day.
Matt Doherty wishes you:
A safe Memorial Day…
A happy 4th of July…
A wonderful day at the beach…
Remember, contrary what this egomaniac might say, it is all about the politics and hell with the people.
I hope he wins in Nov. before he gets the idea of erecting bronze statues of himself (Dear Leader/ Der-fuhrer/Il-Duce/etc.), all paid for by the town.
Oh No status are in many back yards. He’s thinks he’s Mucky Johnson… well maybe someone thinks he is was in 2010
He thinks he is running Freedonia, apologizes to Groucho,let him have his fun he will not be a Freeholder and shortly before you know it he will not be the Mayor anymore.
Hey everyone look at me look at me!
What an idiot , I guess they didn’t teach class in Edison .
If you drive up Main Street from Ocean Grove to Belmar you may be struck by something. Along the route you’ll see prominently displayed very large banners declaring those towns (Ocean Grove, Bradley Beach, Avon .. and Wall in front of its municipal complex) are participating in this year’s Paint the Town Pink campaign. Belmar? We do have pink ribbons along Main Street, but the only banners I’ve noticed appear to be self-promoting campaign banners. What’s more important? Belmar being fully committed and engaged in the fight against breast cancer (which translates into the health of well being of every girl and woman in Belmar and elsewhere), or promoting someone’s candidacy for public office?
The banner is missing a picture of the Jackass. No, not him, I mean for the Democratic Party. Although, I guess if you put some pointed ears on him and a tail, he could pass.
#13 – A guy told me the other day that Breast cancer started becoming prevalent after the PILL hit the market. Before that, it was hardly ever heard of – INTERESTING.
Matt will spend his life as a wannabe. It’s easy to spend someone else’s money when you have no ability to earn your own.
Paint the town pink is just for breast cancer awareness. Aren’t we all aware by now? Someone’s making money. I’d rather give to research.
#17 Couldn’t agree more most of these charities although committed to the cause in the beginning have become all about paying to fundraise. I rather write a check and give directly to those in need.
Opra request the county dump fees for all the garbage from last year, you will really feel sick.
(off thread topic) Then write your checks. Paint the Town Pink is to promote early detection by mammogram is the best form of beating breast cancer and, of course, it probably has an undertone to raise funds for prevention, detection. Young girls and those girls not born yet will be growing up recognizing the need for annual checks. Glad #17 you are aware of what it means. Others may not. I would like to see a combined annual campaign for men for prostate annual check ups. Prostate cancer is to men what breast cancer is to women. A pink/blue campaign is needed and I don’t think any individual is making money on this as implied.
Paint the Town Pink is two companies that merged to raise awareness: Avon and Main Street America. They definitely raise awareness which of course if great. I’d just rather give to research because I think that there can’t be many folks left in the US that don’t know to get a mammogram every year.
Pretty typical of most politicians to have their name plastered every chance they can. Common sense would dictate a sign that says “THE TOWN OF BELMAR welcomes you to the Annual New Jersey Seafood Festival” This could be a giant banner, similar to the current Doherty banner, that could be used for many years to come. This wording would encompass the entire community. A smaller and less expensive banner, advertising the dates, can be purchased on an annual basis.
There are many nice things about the Seafood Festival.The logistics need a lot of work. There were about 30 people in line for port poties on 5th ave Sat afternoon. The food tents need to be arrayed differently in the future. We get more and more people every year an still lay the tents out the same way. Lines of people from one stand run into lines of people from another. Spread the food tens out more! The Street is closed any way, put some out there. The thick crowds in the food areas are not safe. Bringing people to Belmar is great, but the lay out of the festival could stand a great deal of improvement, for safety and improved enjoyment.
Agree PJ, very inappropriate sign. The Mayor better have paid for it. Not tax money.
Don’t the liquor distributes make free signs for causes, bars and certain consumers such as politicians? They could write off the donation of sign costs as. Contributions or accepting the donation one could annotate “In Kind”fees in their reportage.
#20 – We don’t need the DPW going around wasting time putting up dumb ribbons. They have plenty of other more profitable ways to waste their/our time.
cancer awareness money goes to ad agencies, cancer research money goes to cancer research
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