This is compensation to the plaintiffs for their legal expenses in the case of the bogus “explanatory statement” on the last bond referendum ballot.
This is compensation to the plaintiffs for their legal expenses in the case of the bogus “explanatory statement” on the last bond referendum ballot.
No interest?
Peanuts, chump change compared to the settlements that are coming. And thank you to all the Doherty/McGovern/Dems supporters for this waste of taxpayers’ money. Until the idiots, yes your fellow neighbors, vote these people out, this will continue. And this McDirty has the b***s to ride around town and wave to people. I’m surprised he still has air in his un-slit tires.
I’m happy his car was never vandalized and relieved my cars are longer in danger of being vandalized like they were twice in Belmar.
We do not condone any violence or criminal behaviors.
Thanks to Ken and the plaintiffs for demanding they follow the law. Sad it had to come to a suit. The original “explanatory” statement was outrageous. Now where are we: no FEMA money, a catering hall that we can’t use during the best time period, and a building that cost nearly $5 million that has cheap finishes. sigh…
Can’t drive anymore doesn’t effect me directly. However sad for my friends
#5-Don’t know about that. Not a big fan of out business administrator, but no one that I know during the busy summer period, or whenever, has been denied access to the pavilion, for parties, baby showers, etc. Hasn’t been a problem from what I can tell. I’ve been inside the pavilion this summer along with a friend of mine in construction. He thought the pavilion is well put together. No cheap finishes that he saw. What are you referring to?
#7 Cheap finishes:
Need space heater so water does not freeze in mens room.
lighting is so strong that cheap uplighting needed to be purchased and lays on the floor during a evening event.The railing looks like a fifth grader did it. roofing has blown off, Flashing on roofs were installed incorrectly. Oh yeah, I have only been in this building Once!! Unacceptable!!
#7: Yes, Aileen is correct. Residents are denied access during peak weekends because Merri-Makers has already booked the space, at times a whole year in advance. And while they are paying for the space, I have no doubt they are also marking it up and making a hefty profit off our taxpayer funded building.
If you do happen to visit the pavilion again, please take a close look at the flooring. The glue has weakened and the vinyl tiles are popping up in many sections. Grab an edge and you can peel away! Not to mention some bathroom fixtures that don’t work properly. Plus the aforementioned freezing pipes. And the lettering on the building exterior that’s also starting to peel. Taylor is only slightly more than a year old, none of this should be happening. And let’s not forget, the “Safety Pavilion” is still not finished. Cheap all around, I say.
#7 Way below average construction.
Just the fact that residents had to sue and the town was found to be in violation of our civil rights, not to mention a ridiculous appeal that cost us all more money, should be enough to give any resident pause when considering our past mayor,most of the standing council and our BA.
As far as the pavilion is concerned, we were promised by these same people that we would get all paid for by FEMA, that we would use the building as before, and the engineering and construction would be worth the 5 MILLION dollars that ( unfinished,ie: railings ) building cost. What we got instead is no public access, no back deck to sit on, and a catering hall kitchen instead of a place for the public to sit inside and get a bite to eat.
#8 You saw all this in one visit? You certainly went over the pavilion with a fine tooth comb! Send a letter to the powers that be about these issues. if you are reluctant, send anonymously.
1. No dimmers on lights (being added on our dime after the fact),
2. No moldings (just rubber base moldings like in a hospital),
3. drop ceilings (no vaulted ceilings with beams),
4. no fireplace,
5. no sconces
For nearly 5 million, this place should have a fabulous vaulted ceiling with beams, a fireplace, sconces, a stage with lighting for bands, custom millwork, elegant bathrooms, and a design plan that allows cross breeze, windows that can be opened and a southern exposure.
As for the townies being able to book the place: My husband tried to book OUR pavilion one year in advance for a Saturday night. The Belmar worker said it’s booked. When he asked for different dates, all booked. Finally the Belmar worker said to call MerriMakers. He did. A MerryMakers representative said, “yup, that date is free”. When he explained the Belmar worker said it was booked, the Merrymaker rep said “well we have the weekends. It’s available.”
So let’s recap: The outrageous price tag for such cheap finishes, the fact that we don’t even get it on weekends during prime time, and top it off with the fact that we’re STILL adding money to the place that won’t be covered by FEMA (like Doherty said), really should bother you. Remember that all council people shoved it down our throats as well, thought the “explanatory statement” was fine, and proscribed to the notion that anyone who questioned the price tag or legality of the payment process was “against Belmar’s recovery”. Remember when Doherty tried to tie the necessary outfall pipe to the pavilion bond? Talk about being against recovery! This steady drip of propaganda must end. Vote them out!!!!! Let’s get honesty back in Belmar.
Regarding the Pavilion Kool Aid, Jennifer, Tom and Brian wholeheartedly backed every lie that that lying sack of doo do that Doherty fed to the Electorate in the Referendum Votes. Who knows maybe Joe Biden is scheduled to star in a Belmar dog and pony show with Brian and Jen within the next 59 days or so. Shameless.
Belmar taxpayers $pay$ when elected officials disregard the law … don’t forget the payments to Northgrave to defend these losers
#7- I’m sure that there were people that were able to book the hall without difficulty during the week. However, the way it currently works is as follows: The prime weekends (June, July, Sept) are all booked by Merri-Makers (the boro employee I called to book it literally told me this). You can call Merri-Makers and ask for the date and it may be available. They will say to you, “would you like to use us to cater? You can use a different company if you like” So technically you can get an available Saturday, and yes you can use a different caterer, but does it not bother you that you have to go through Merri-Makers to do so? Merri-Makers can grab up all the prime weekends without showing a deposit check or even providing a name. This is a PUBLIC facility. Merri-Makers should have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with it. They literally advertise it on their website as one of their own facilities. And on top of all that, FEMA is not paying for it as was promised. The people who were concerned about the possibility that it wouldn’t be covered by FEMA were mocked and ridiculed as being “against our recovery”. And in an egregious (and as it turns out, illegal) game of political deception, the town leaders forced the structure, and it’s inflated price tag, down our throats,
So, let’s recap: As predicted, FEMA ain’t paying for this thing leaving the bill for Belmar citizens. Merri-Makers acts as though the building belongs to them. Your builder friend notwithstanding, the place is not a five million dollar building. Cheap moldings, no dimmers on the lights, drop ceilings, boardwalk planks for railings, and they didn’t take advantage of the constant cross breeze between the lake and ocean so that even on the nicest summer days it’s closed up like a tomb.
I know the sentiment now by most people is ah let’s move on. What’s done is done. We needed a pavilion and we got one (I’ll even grudgingly admit that the building itself looks nice when viewed from the lake). I get all that, and frankly I’m sick of talking about it too. But when we ignore this type of corruption and dishonesty, it becomes acceptable. And when it becomes acceptable…we have no one but ourselves to blame.
Belmar: General Apathy is exactly what makes your taxes keep going up and up.
Don’t put your head in the sand. While watching the waves go by think about how you were repeatedlyDuped by the Doherty Administration. FEMA pay offs was never in play! The sad part is that Jen, Brian, Janice, Tom and MATT knew all along we wouldn’t get reimbursed by the United States of America FEMA program for their get rich, frivolous white Elephant on the beach called Merrimaker’s Catering Hall..
Was Jen, Tom, Brian and Matt’s plan the “let’s see if we can use the Pavilion reconstruction as a gimmick to get elected”? Nah, they couldn’t have been that mercenary so as to profit from beach diaster just to get a measly, low paying job on the Council?
I would guess that the former mayor had in mind that the the Pavilion was to be used as a political “club house” for Democrats for their benefit and enhancement. Who was at the opening of that place? Politicians? The positions on the council are resume builders and power tools. (I am a Council person of privilege, so don’t ticket my car, for example.) And one can ban plastic bags, whoopdidoo)
Can someone ask Brian when his contractors of choice are going to fix the tower door on the safety building ? its been closed up for over a year ? Did they not get a warranty from the builder ? Maybe Brian should stick to picking out basket ball refs. Lets not forget Claire shes was the biggest ring leader of all , what a bill of goods she help sell the town. Job Well Done Claire.
#20-Thanks for thinking of me! I haven’t served on the council since 2012/2013. Glad you still recall the many good works/events/activities I initiated for the town that I so dearly love! In fact, people come up to me to this very day and thank me for my efforts. To be totally honest, people, like yourself, from the anti-Democratic camp thank me as well. I sold the people of Belmar goods …good goods. The teacher in me has to speak out. You have a run-on sentence and the word “help” should be in the past tense. In a future post I will enumerate my contributions to the borough. Also, I have an English grammar book you can borrow to assist you with your future blog comments. Being a “ringleader” is a good thing!
Also-there should be an apostrophe in the word “let’s.”
Claire, go back to sleep. PLEASE!
#23-“To sleep perchance to dream..ay, there’s the rub…” Shakespeare-Hamlet
If I recall correctly, you’ve been concerned about me for a while…whenever I comment you advise me to rest. I should have asked you to be part of the Mayor’s Wellness Campaign” when I was councilwoman. You could have been one of my main speakers ..addressing the importance of sleep.
It’s clear that several people have been blocked by Belmar and had to go through Merri Makers for a prime weekend date. Is Claire ok with this? If Belmar created a wedding hall, the least Belmar could do is let Belmar reap the benefits. No that’s only for Merri Makers.
Does anyone know the status of the 3 million dollar lifeguard lawsuit? How about the lawsuit brought on by the concession owners at the 10th ave pavillion? I cant wait for the taxpayers to foot those settlements and legal fees.
#25-I know of several local people who booked the pavilion through the borough during busy times. These folks had no ties to politics..just regular folks.
Claire you should have stayed a teacher becouse it went down hill from there or is Thier or there’s oh well that’s a Belmar education for ya. You were Matt’s biggest supporter don’t try and act like you weren’t 100% behind him people don’t forget that easily.,So when every settlement is paid and Matt ends up on the losing end for the umteeth time you go should share in the glory . Good deeds please you sold the town out.
26. I was told by a good source about the 10th ave lawsuit – the boro reached out to settle with them.
28-Never denied my support of the Mayor. Love that you keep mentioning me! Keeps me in the limelight…which I love! Am I to understand you don’t want me to list my accomplishments as councilwoman? If you change your mind about this, please let me know. By the way, you really need to borrow my grammar book. Despite your obvious dislike for me, I still consider you a friend! “Joke” is a perfect title for your byline.
The entire Borough is one big joke. The Queen of Mean has destroyed everything she touches. She is vindictive and a liar. Everyone knows it and no one is willing to do anything about it. She is untouchable, and is being taught how to take the reins as CFO for 2019. Someone who has destroyed OUR town will now be given millions to play with….talk about Russian Reulete. It’s a scary time here in Belmar….I long for the days of past, when things seemed normal. Here’s hoping we somehow can all get beyond this and let justice prevail….it has to eventually right?
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