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Matt should have been a used car salesman. Look, its “such a deal” that even one Republican bought one. Can’t wait to vote No with all my dead relatives, their relatives, people who live on the West Coast….
PAVILIONS!!! Not just the 5th we cannot use all this money (if it is even real) on the 5th Ave pavilion.
I love the new Buy-An-Icon” Campaign.
If the voters are stupid enough to bank on FEMA and Tom Burke, all in the same vote…God help Us! P.T. Barnum probably had it right. I love Belmar, but I may be too intelligent to live here.
Vote “MAYBEE,” and write in Frank Sementa, Bill Luddecke, and Kip Conner for Council – baybay!!!
I get it. The lie is that Tom Burke is a Republican.
#5 – Actually in the letters to the editor in the Coast Star today, I didn’t see Tom Burke’s name once, pro or con. But Dave’s name was in a lot of letters. I think the Dems think Dave has a good chance of winning this thing as I do as well.
#6. Tom, that is because a vote for Jennifer is the same as a vote for Tom.
Therefore on Nov. 3rd by Burke’s design you have two choices Jenn/Tom v Dave..
Choose wisely grasshopper.
October 2, 2015 should be burned in the minds of Belmar as the date FEMA advised that if qualified, X dollars for ALL the pavilions could be, would be, might be, if available, depending on A. B, C, and oh yeah, Integrity. Honesty and Veracity. Of course it is acknowledged that nothing gets REIMBURSED until after the fact construction is finished AND APPROVED by FEMA, etc, etc, etc.
They will not reimburse 4.1 million for the 5th Avenue Pavilion. Nothing is free. Vote NO
FEMA will not reimburse $4.1 million for the 5th Ave pavilion.
All the food trucks have been on Ocean Av because of the lack of ONE pavilion on 5th Avenue?
10/29/15: global warming warnings all over the airways and print media today. Take heed the Ocean is rising and the risks of floods from waterways has significantly been identified. So why would we spend 4.1 million dollars ($4,1000,000) on one pavilion today in light of what we have learned from the scientific community. Defies logic. It is inevitable that we will be hit again at the low lying 5th Avenue Beach. Build for less. Vote No and build 10th Avenue Pavilions, north and south now.
Didn’t the food trucks move off Ocean Avenue before the last dire weather forecast for Hurricane Jaquin? We were very lucky and everyone Thanked the Grace of God that it veered off into the ocean and missed us. Lets not forget that torrential rains cause flooding everywhere from in and out of town due to warmer weather conditions. Can you imagine all the trucks that would have been thrown all over Ocean Avenue through the properties that pay huge taxes if they weren’t moved ahead of the storm? Perhaps the lemon would have floated in Silver Lake? Smart business people however heeded the adage, Never fool with Mother Nature. So, don’t build a pavilion that Will wash away with the next nor’easter, full moon with high tides. Vote NO
the food trucks were removed …. with the last storm threat.
For the global warming person, I have lived in Belmar since 1972 and its curious how the jetties water levels are the same today as then. Lets try this one if ice is less dense than water and it melts in your glass does the water level rise or go up. So lets see if polar ice above sea level melts and seeps into the sea and levels rise what happens to water levels with an iceberg that melts with 90% below the surface. Wake up man global warming is about money
Food trucks can be moved when a threatening storm is approaching, a pavilion cannot. If people want “permanent” structures on the boardwalk so badly, how about some simple, roofed ones with seats like in Avon. They would provide rain shelter and a place to rest while strolling the boards. The present boardwalk is not paid off yet, however more debt makes sense to the administration spendthrifts.
Polar bears die
Food trucks are an eyesore, no other town has this type of vending on the street! We are better than grease trucks!
The real Belmar inside and out. Heard there was going to be a food truck court scheme for Sid’s property on the corner of 19th and Ocean. Copying Asbury Park plan. Anything hip c u ty can do So Can Belmar. Nice. really nice. Vote No, non. nyet.
The reason for the food trucks is simple they pay their rent to the Borough and not the beach utility. Any
Pavilion that had an eating establish-ment on the beach paid their rent to the Borough not the utility. Hence no pavilions no rent so food trucks. Now the plot thickens. Vote No!!
Bill: Just curious, are you trying to say we need to vote yes to remove food trucks? If not, you can suggest to the council that the residents are tired of the food trucks and we should let the businesses on the west side of Ocean Avenue finally have a chance at recovery without competition from food trucks. Is the food truck revenue really worth it? Between losing parking spaces and $, the unsightliness, and the smell of grease wafting through the air. Do they even pay for electric or water? And if they really need the revenue, they wouldn’t be giving away free beach days. My guess is they leave the trucks there to wear you down so you’ll agree to pavilions.
Have the food truck vendors agreed to be hidden inside a 5th Ave Pavilion?
Not much business at 5th.
Not just the residents complaining- visitors due to food trucks use the word “tacky” when writing reviews of Belmar Beach. PLANNING,PLANNING, PLANNING. Belmar planning under this regime is an example of the “blind leading the blind.” Take it up with your real mayor, Colleen M. Connolly.
Bill, do you have any footage of the pristine food trucks taking up our few parking spaces on Ocean Avenue? And, if so, do you know whether the County is going to claw back any of the rental monies (count owned road) paid by the food truck owners to Belmar?
I don’t understand what the council members gain by supporting a Mayor that is not honest in his dealing with the residents, why tarnish their reputations being associated with an ethically corrupt individual.
Free parking with the special sticker on the bumper? Free car washes? A relationship with the police? Other perks?
#24 They just want to be like the rest of the Democratic Party. Hillary and Bill at the top and got their by lying, deceiving people and get a big thrill out of their power they have nothing else to show for their existence very shallow and insecure people so they feel better doing what they do at others expense. Hence it filters down to Belmar,insecure about their ideas so they lie.
The Mayor, Council and members of the Belmar Democratic Committee should be very proud of the lying an misrepresentation to the voters of Belmar. You set an excellent example to YOUR children and grandchildren.
Admin. My comment was to go to #3 not #2 as I wrote. Can this be corrected? if not it will not make sense.
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