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Live! From PORCFEST Porcupine Freedom Festival!

I’ve been up here in Lancaster, New Hampshire for the last few days attending PorcFest, the annual summer gathering of the Free State Project. There are over 800 people here this year.

The FSP was founded in 2001 by a Yale Ph.D in political science named Jason Sorens. He is currently a professor of political science at The University of Buffalo SUNY.

Jason Sorens

 The idea is to recruit 20,000 pro-freedom activists to concentrate their efforts on one small, already liberty minded state. New Hampshire was chosen by vote by the then 5000 participants in 2003. There are now 10,200 participants. When the 20,000 mark is achieved everybody will move to New Hampshire within five years. The FSP will then be disbanded and everyone will work in their own way to promote freedom in New Hampshire. Over 700 people have moved already. Several have been elected to public office including six to the state legislature in 2008. They have had a string of successes, including fighting off a seatbelt law (NH is the only state that doesn’t require adults to use them) and a recent attempt to ban smoking on the beach. They have also helped fight off attempts to impose a state income tax (NH has no income or sales taxes).

They chose the porcupine as their mascot because porcupines are cute and they are not aggressive, but don’t step on one!

Our flag

 The Free State Project has been endorsed by Economist Walter Williams, Congressman Ron Paul, former New Hampshire Governor Craig Benson, former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson, Judge Andrew Napolitano, and magician Penn Jillette (the tall half of Penn and Teller) among others. Governor Johnson is here at Porcfest and I had the great honor of chatting with him for a few minutes last night.

He strongly urged me to pursue a seat on the Belmar city council and wished me luck in the campaign. I’m taking that as an endorsement. That’s right. I’ve been endorsed by former New Mexico Governor Gary E. Johnson!

Ron Paul has recently said that if he doesn’t run himself in 2012, his first choice for president would be Gary Johnson. I am of the same mind. I think Johnson will run. I hope he does. Please check out his organization, . I asked him about a possible Paul/Johnson ticket but he didn’t want to comment on it. He didn’t rule it out, though!


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