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How come Belmar residents can’t have their own vote? Maybe the tax payers of Belmar don’t want to take responsibility for Lake Como’s problems.
The Belmar PD will have NO dedicated police officers to cover Lake Como!!!!! Then why are the citizens of Lake Como paying them $900,000 ???? The citizens of Lake Como will be paying $900,000 to Belmar and they are getting no coverage. How will the Belmar PD be able to protect the citizens of Lake Como if they are patrolling Belmar and not Lake Como?
They will be including Lake Como in their regular patrols, but whether Lake Como ends up with more or less patrolling than they have now I couldn’t say.
BelmarGuy it does not matter you have approximately 1000 liberal tax and spend fanatics who dont mind spending more in taxes and could care less what other people think.
Another letter from an unknown source. I wonder who’s paying for these. The Borough maybe, who of course is crying poverty. Whoever sent these out spent well over $1000.00. Not to mention the information being wrong. The police budget is nowhere near 2.4 million. The budget is online do your research. Not to mention taxes will never decrease, its only going to go up and cost us in Lake Como more in the long run. Lake Como Police budget will go down due to the older guys retiring. Belmar is a younger department who’s salaries are only going to rise. VOTE YES LAKE COMO
Lake Como does have a problem they don’t have the tax revenue to support a pd. Deal services Interlaken and Loch Arbour. Did they investigate the state police covering them? In the 20’s they left Wall i think they should reunite they have a much larger dept.
Did you notice it states Lake Como’s taxes will go down if Belmar takes over the PD, that’s not equality i am against that idea. Hey Matt and council what are YOU doing to get Belmar’s taxes down staying the same is not the same as LOWERING taxes.
#1. Belmar voters can’t have a vote because even when we get the signatures for a referenedum -special election, Bang! our business administrator will pul an attorney out of her hat rendering an opinion as to why are petition is unconstitutional. That is why. Have a great day!
#8 I could be wrong but I think you need 10% of the voters for a petition to be valid.
The root of the problem is a weak tax base caused by a lack of foresight and proper planning. Mr. Wilton, what is your vision for the future? Where is your balance between the residential makeup and the commercial/clean industry/Medical/Office/Entertainment portion of your town? Time to re-merge with Wall Twp. Sad.
#9 and ?
And the police commissioner in Lake Como is???
One of the main points here I think is the politicians had to know for some time they were on thin ice financially. It was up to them to take action 3,4,5 years ago, not scream bloody murder now. They refused to do what had to be done, which would have been to freeze all contracts, and when a contract came due, to get givebacks (if the employees wouldn’t agree to givebacks then they should have been laid off – this extends to now as well) to protect the citizenry. If any one of these council members or mayor are reelected, the people of Lake Como should hang their heads in shame.
Actually #8 a petition needs 15% of the total amount of voters in the last general election. An amount by the way far surpassed on the protest petition on the pay to play/conflict of interest ordinance against 2016-01 here in Belmar.
Save Lake Como! Once the Lake Como police are gone the town will never get their own PD back. The citizens of Lake Como really need to think before they vote on Tuesday! Just because the Mayor “claims” taxes won’t go up doesn’t mean they won’t go up in the future. Where will that leave Lake Como??? Lake Como will end up with no Police Department and still paying taxes! Sure Belmar says they will take over servicing Lake Como but when they realize they need more officers to adequately patrol both towns where do you think the extra money will come from??? That’s right! You guessed it!! LAKE COMO residents! Maybe the person who was responsible for not stopping the financial mess should be fired. Instead that person will still be sitting behind their desk with a job. Don’t be tricked by politicians telling you lies! Vote YES to save Lake COMO!
Can’t the town of Lake Como file chapter 11 bankruptcy and break all of the signed contracts? This would solve all of the town’s problems.
Yes but then the value of the homes go into the tank.
I disagree. Who doesn’t want to live by the beach with a town that finally lives within its means.
Nothing takes down property values faster then safety issues in a town. For instance… they lose their police force.
This will actually fix the problem. Not another one time band-aid like selling a town asset, aka the police force.
18-They need to lay off the DPW also that doesn’t do a damn thing and steals from the tax payers.
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