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Pringle Summarizes Gummer’s Decision

Click on the image:Screen Shot 2015-10-24 at 5.23.46 PM(An earlier version of this post had some formatting issues with Google Drive and was difficult to read. The problem has been rectified.)


  1. Ms Sarcastic wrote:

    Love the new Nicolay mailing.

    REDUCED TAXES BY 5% and more to come.

    Noise and parking complaints down 85%

    Belmar Elementary School in the top 10 by NJ Monthly and State of NJ

    Scrutinized all big expenses and eliminated waste

    Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 12:39 pm | Permalink
  2. Mike Seebeck wrote:

    I would like to thank Ken Pringle, Ed Bonanno, Denise O’Hara, Mike Malia and all the other hard working employees at Pringle Quinn Anzano. Their thorough and well presented representation has resulted in a comprehensive victory for all of Belmar. Not only in this case, but in several prior cases they were able to secure in the courtroom what all of us residents could not collectively achieve at out council meetings, THE TRUTH! All of the issues decided in these cases were all brought before the Mayor and council by thoughtful residents and at the time Councilman Jim Bean. What was the result? Mayor Doherty made very public denunciations of his own residents “a certain element”, “right wing obstructionists” and my personal favorite “terrorists”. Well Mayor Doherty please be advised the TRUTH is coming, it may have to detour through freehold but it is coming. So if you plan is to continue to rob us “resident peters” to pay your “political pauls” just remeber pete’s got some damn good lawyers. I hope everyone who cares about Belmar VOTES NO! to the overpriced pavilion and VOTES FOR Dave Schneck! as he is already representing Belmar better than the Mayor and Council with his “Common Sense for Belmar Blog” Thanks Dave

    Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 2:47 pm | Permalink
  3. Just Passing Through wrote:

    I agree they should all take a bow.

    Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 3:15 pm | Permalink
  4. Judy wrote:

    This information is so good. I hope everyone out there Votes No.

    Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 3:48 pm | Permalink
  5. Teddy Ehmann wrote:

    Well said mike. I too wish to thank Ken and his incredible staff. I have learned so much in the process, especially about the Public Trust Doctrine and our civil rights pertaining to our wonderful coastal environment. Thank You.
    I too got the Jenn extraordinaire mailer today. So impressive to think that she did all that by not showing up for meetings and not opening her mouth except to VOTE YES. It is so amazing that I go to almost every B&C meeting and missed all of her accomplishments.My favorite Jenn encounter of the third kind, is when she showed up late for a Tourism Commission Meeting in Feb. 2015 only to find out that Brian was voted the Commissioner in Jan. OPPS have to go!.Vote Schneck for boro

    Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 4:31 pm | Permalink
  6. maria florio wrote:

    Thank you Ken for being there for us and succeeding. AS the old saying goes no matter how much you lie, in the end the truth always comes out.
    Mike great letter and well said. A big “NO” with no hesitation.

    Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 6:43 pm | Permalink
  7. elemental wrote:

    Great summary, Mike, how about sending that to the various presses? Quickly.

    Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 7:00 pm | Permalink
  8. Seven residents have contacted me today about their receiving of a sample ballot (VBM) from the county board of elections….total confusion reigns-they have voted once, voted a second time with the revised wording of the pavilion question, which they sent in-now they’ve received another sample ballot-thinking they’re expected to vote again-most of these individuals are senior residents (like myself…maybe even older if you can imagine that!)-I advised them to call the county board of elections on Monday to get clarification….-the second time around (with change of language on the pavilion) threw them for a loop, according to what two of them reported..-they don’t know what to do about the third notification of voting-the timing of the second VBM ballot was what added to their confusion-this is no kidding-I’m not making this up-if seven people/families have reached out to me, there could be others not knowing what’s going on as well-my family received sample ballots today also….we understand that we voted a second time, and that’s that-because it’s clear to us that our votes are in-could be the board of elections will be getting calls on Monday-or maybe not-I tried to explain the situation as best I could-one woman reported that her blood pressure was “sky high” over the situation…..these were her exact words….told her to calm down , relax, and have a glass of wine….

    Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 7:59 pm | Permalink
  9. Brian Pringle wrote:

    Other than the glass of wine did you tell any of the 7 senior citizens that the pavilions are not free?

    Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 8:18 pm | Permalink
  10. elemental wrote:

    Yes, everyone, please spread the word so that no more people vote yes and contribute to huge tax increases if the referendum vote passes. That would be a disaster for Belmar.

    Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 8:26 pm | Permalink
  11. dizzy wrote:

    The mayor is a documented untruth teller. His minions have been his pawns to spread his misrepresentation. The kid gloves are off, sorry. I only temper my words, not my outrage. Seniors, do not be lazy and oblivious. You have been duped and used. Your votes have been bought with lunches and gift cards. Some of your taxes may not go up because of income limits, but there are others who will suffer. Don’t be self-centered. Vote NO if you have not yet voted.

    Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 8:40 pm | Permalink
  12. Brian Pringle wrote:

    “I’m not ashamed of myself – didn’t create the mailer and didn’t arrange for mailings- I am chair of the Democratic Committee here in Belmar-I did review the content before hand…no there was no changing it once it was decided to move forward with that particular piece”

    So let me get this are the Democratic Chairman and you review content but have no say in changing what was written??

    You should be ashamed that piece went out to the public…the town has gone down hill since my brother left office..thank God he is still involved.

    Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 8:47 pm | Permalink
  13. Brian-My discussion with these folks didn’t involve the pavilions ….their concerns centered around the VBM situation…that’s why they reached out to me–had nothing to do with what you mentioned..if anyone of them or others want to discuss the pavilions with me, I’ll report back to you..thanks for using your actual name…..

    Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 9:33 pm | Permalink
  14. Katrina wrote:

    And did you tell them that if the mayor and council and administrator hadn’t tried to unlawfully influence their vote they wouldn’t have had to worry at all?

    Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 9:54 pm | Permalink
  15. Bill Straus wrote:

    Claire did you tell them about the Judge’s decision and tell them to vote no so their taxes don’t go through the roof

    Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 9:57 pm | Permalink
  16. Ms. Sarcastic wrote:

    #8 Did you explain to them it is because the Mayor and Council either are deceitful or ignorant as to who pays for the Pavilions and that was settled by a Judge? I didn’t think so.

    Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 10:05 pm | Permalink
  17. Anonymous wrote:

    As anyone who have voted by mail in the past knows sample ballots come to all voters regardless of their voter by mail status. Its a fail safe system. Those that vote by mail know when they have voted by mail, whether they mailed the ballot and\or if there was a messenger involved.

    The county board of election is available to all to assist any voter with actual or perceived problems.

    Too bad (and vey sas) that the poisoned interpretation statement presented by the Belmar Administration this year confused any and all voters in the first place.

    Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 10:17 pm | Permalink
  18. Brian-The topic of the pavilions didn’t come up-they were concerned about the VBMs, as I stated-and understandably confused about receiving a sample ballot when they’ve already voted twice. Be sure, however, that if these individuals, or others ask about the pavilions I’ll gladly let you know. Thanks for using you actual name…

    Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 11:23 pm | Permalink
  19. Anonymous wrote:

    Kenny Pringle is the Gerry Spence of New Jersey. He foes not suffer fools lightly nor does he like bullies.this will be a legacy of excellence

    Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 11:51 pm | Permalink
  20. Taxpayer wrote:

    Did you tell the seniors Colleen Connolly testified that she wrote the confusing, misleading and influential explanatory statement that started this mess.

    Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 12:14 am | Permalink
  21. Pootsie wrote:

    If total confusion reigns because you received a SAMPLE BALLOT (you receive one before every election) maybe you should not be voting.

    Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 6:54 am | Permalink
  22. Tom Dilberger wrote:

    Belmar Elementary School in the top 10 by NJ Monthly and State of NJ
    #1 – That’s a real whopper. With 60% of the children being the children of Mexican illegal aliens, I assure everyone that school isn’t doing well to say the least. But also isn’t doing well for top dollar.

    Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 7:04 am | Permalink
  23. Brian-Sorry that you feel as you do-the mailer went out–there was a consensus from Dem committee members to move forward with the mailer..on the bright side…..last time I saw you, you’d let your hair grow a bit longer-a very good style for you! Looks great…hope you, Sue, and your children are doing well….good to hear from you on this blog!

    Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 9:29 am | Permalink
  24. No Katrina-I didn’t mention what your take of the situation is…..much confusion still exists…with them getting a sample ballot…after having voting twice-they were looking for guidance as to what to do-..I tried to address their immediate concerns….but thanks for the suggestion-

    Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 9:35 am | Permalink
  25. Bill & Ms Sarcastic-As I’d mentioned to Brian, the senior residents who reached out to me had concerns about voting-no questions aome up about the pavilions-if and when they do inquire about the pavilions, I’ll let you know-I’m leaving for mass at St. Rose in a few minutes-after mass I’m often approached about town happenings…..if anyone (after church) inquires about the pavilions, I’ll get back to you-glad we can have this open dialogue…

    Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 9:40 am | Permalink
  26. Brian Pringle wrote:

    Belmar Elementary School in the top 10 by NJ Monthly and State of NJ
    “#1 – That’s a real whopper. With 60% of the children being the children of Mexican illegal aliens, I assure everyone that school isn’t doing well to say the least. But also isn’t doing well for top dollar.”

    I sent 3 of my children there. One is a junior at the University of Vermont on the deans list every semester. One is a Freshmen at Manasquan taking 3 AP classes. I always thought they they did a great job. I didn’t realize how special the place is until I started subbing there last month. The staff and students are amazing. It is a pleasure to work there.

    But I can understand if you are prejudice against Mexicans, Blacks and some students with learning disabilities that this school might not be for you.

    Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 10:54 am | Permalink
  27. Ms. Sarcastic wrote:

    You raised great kids and they were more interested in learning that getting drunk at Djais!. The problem is not the kids so much as its this fixation of the Democrats to have the focus on the Beach and Liquor licenses. They are the Party that loves to PARTY!

    Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 11:31 am | Permalink
  28. Must also comment that whenver Brian’s children see me around town, they always give a big hello and a smile-not too long ago I saw his youngest child on her bike-she gave a big Hi-can’t believe she remembers me from whenever last I saw her-ditto about Belmar School-I spent many years there-great faculty, students and learning environment-from what I hear, the school is soaring to new heights-Mr. Hallman has asked me to be involved in the strategic planning committee with the communications aspect-I readily agreed…. I taught an ESL class for Spanish-speaking parents at the school before I was on council (taught on a voluntary basis….as a retired teacher from the school)..the parents were wonderful and eager to learn-taught that class for 8 years before I was elected to council-loved it! I thought if the parents of these children could have basic vocabulary/conversation to enter the school and ask such questions as”Where is the nurses’s office?” ” Can I speak to the principal?” Or other questions along those lines….I think now there is a native speaker on staff (maybe more than one) and a secretary who speaks Spanish…..bottom line is……you have to go with what the population of your school happens to be, and meet the needs of the students in attendance… you can best serve the children with parent-involvement.

    Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 12:37 pm | Permalink
  29. Tulips wrote:

    Well this opinion is from the element, the
    obstructionist, terrorist part of the elec-torate the mayor doesn’t include as needed voters.We have an attorney Kenneth Pringle who thought we were right and needed help. He and his staff did that and look where we are 6 for 6 not bad for a boy from Belmar.
    Thank you to all who helped in any way. The mayor should wake up and smell the coffee. Laws and rules are made for every-
    one not just a select few.

    Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 1:10 pm | Permalink
  30. Katrina wrote:

    Actually Claire that wasn’t my “take” on the need to mail a second ballot on the 4.1 million dollar bond question. That was Judge Gummers decision handed down in Freehold Court, perhaps the seniors should have that explained to them.

    Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 2:39 pm | Permalink
  31. Sorry-Wrong choice of wording-should have used “from your statement”…..but it doesn’t change things-the people who reached out to me were confused by sample ballots being received at their homes..after having voted twice…didn’t seem that they were interested in the reason……just questioning the latest development with the VBMs…..wanted advice on the immediate concern….

    Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 4:55 pm | Permalink
  32. BEN REAL wrote:

    This is how you could explain it to the seniors in unfiltered layman’s terms. Our mayor is sneaky and untrustworthy, our borough administrator is incompetent, and our council is clueless! The judge thinks you may want a second chance at voting since the pavilions are not “FREE”.

    Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 5:29 pm | Permalink
  33. no,No,Nooooo wrote:

    Please let your friends and neighbors know that the Mayor and Council intend to float bonds that will not be free, free, free.

    Please take the time and effort needed to vote your conscience on Tuesday, November 3rd. Vote NO, Ban the Belmar bond, Vote No

    Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 5:43 pm | Permalink
  34. An Observation wrote:

    If the Bond ever comes to be, someone gets paid for the underwriting and sales of the bonds.

    Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 7:48 pm | Permalink
  35. Bill Straus wrote:

    To all
    Belmar elementary is ranked 1035 out of 1362 from I don’t know how many rating sites there are but I’m just saying. Also just because someone graduated from a school that does not mean its a good school.

    Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 8:25 pm | Permalink
  36. Mike Seebeck wrote:

    Claire Deicke PRESIDENT of the Belmar Democratic Committee. Former PRESIDENT of the Belmar Municipal Council my my what power and prestige. Surely when these poor confused senior friends/neighbors came to you for answers there must have been some little ethical itch to let them know the truth, you know the Fact that voting yes for the pavilion will now assuredly result in a massive financial obligation and they’ll have to bear their fair share. I didn’t get your lasted mailer you know the one featuring Ken Pringle. I guess when the Democratic committee met they probably felt with my status as terrorist they would add me to the Do not mail list. Well someone shared your mailer with me and wow I have to admit you really are some educator, I really wish your lesson for the community ended with “Love, Claire” instead of “Paid for by the Belmar Democratic Committee”, I know your a big fan signing your full name. Anyway since you sent out your FYI and other informative mailings I thought I’d share with you my hope that when the truth comes out about Belmar you’ll be sure to get your share of the credit. Then you can prescribe something stronger then wine for your neighbors blood pressure as that wont be the only thing going up. And the remark about Brian Pringle’s hair “way too weird”.

    Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 11:48 pm | Permalink
  37. Tom Dilberger wrote:

    #26 – I’m prejudiced against being robbed. When the children of illegal aliens go to our school, that’s known as theft of services sir. American citizens are not required to support the children of people who are here committing a crime ((illegal entry into the country).

    Monday, October 26, 2015 at 6:18 am | Permalink
  38. South Side wrote:

    The state’s own website gives our school a dismal rating, but this was very easy to look up.
    What it means is that everything else on a Nicolay mailer is now suspect.

    Monday, October 26, 2015 at 7:06 am | Permalink
  39. Tom Dilberger wrote:

    …..bottom line is……you have to go with what the population of your school happens to be, and meet the needs of the students in attendance… you can best serve the children with parent-involvement.
    No Claire, the bottom line is the students must measure up to standards. The children of immigrants in the 19th and 20th century were thrown into classes being conducted fully in English, many of them not knowing one word of English. There was zero “bi”lingual education. So, am I to think these Mexican children are dumb if those children formerly coming from Italy, Russia, Poland, Hungary, etc. could learn in that way and the children of illegal alien Mexican’s can’t? Sure seems that way. Doesn’t it Claire?
    Also Claire, as I said in my last post, they are children of people who are actually criminals breaking our laws. They are not immigrants. The phrase that identifies them is illegal aliens (emphasis on illegal).

    Monday, October 26, 2015 at 8:47 am | Permalink
  40. An Observation wrote:

    I understand the population and other issues of the students, however there is NO attempt by the Democrats in power to try to improve that,ie teachers etc that have EXPERIENCE in improving students with certain difficulties, instead its more important to force a tax burden and issue more liquor licenses and building houses, raising money for parties etc.

    Monday, October 26, 2015 at 9:04 am | Permalink
  41. dizzy wrote:

    My take on the situation at hand: It is my opinion that the concept of “illegal” does not mean anything to Claire. After all, she accepts and promotes an administration that excels in shady business. And her “sounding nice” ploy does not fool anyone. Evade, prevaricate, that is what she does, in my opinion. Clap, anyone?

    Monday, October 26, 2015 at 9:07 am | Permalink
  42. Ms.Sarcastic wrote:

    #41 I will be clapping when Dave gets sworn in as a Council Member.

    Monday, October 26, 2015 at 9:17 am | Permalink
  43. Mike-What anger and resentment!-your animosity toward me is raging. Hope you work through your issues…..truth be known-the decision to send the mailers by those who attend our Democratic meetings was overwhelming-don’t flatter yourself about not receiving the mailers-others didn’t either…some people in my neighborhood didn’t either and they have no connection to any of the town’re stuck in a very bad place-guess I’m the most likely candidate for your sarcasm and unhappiness…..your so right-I LOVE having prestige…and I loved being a teacher-your references to my profession seem over the top, but I guess you need an outlet for your frustration..”some educator”-you’re so right! to my remark, Brian and I go way back-known him since he was a young lad-walking past my house from West Belmar to go to St. Rose Grammar School-we also sat on the Belmar Board of Education together for a number of years…I know his wife and children-felt comfortable making that remark..maybe you should think back about your weird remark- where are you coming from?..what are you trying to make of it?..not a good thing for someone who portrays himself the end-all of upstanding .-you should take credit for stirring up resentment among residents ….you don’t wear self righteousness well….and I’ll take all the credit in the world for not coming across in a pompous,bombastic and overbearing way as you do when you speak at council meetings….would love to sign off with Love, Claire..maybe I’ll do so in the future-actually, in your out-of control comments you’ve given me some good ideas….also…….residents who attend our Democratic meetings are not small in numbers-they wanted the recent mailers to go out..especially old time Democrats..all of them-without exception…I hope you don’t continue to wallow in hatred much longer-not good for your health-finally, LOVE that you capitalized the word PRESIDENT-it will help blog readers recall all of the projects/activities/endeavors I carried out as councilwoman on behalf of the good people of Belmar..people are still coming up to me and thanking me for my work on behalf of the has been reported on this blog, my ego is huge! .Love myself.that said, I hope you come out of that very dark place ……you know-the place where you find yourself so miserable that you attack a PRESIDENT-on the otherhand, adding to my huge ego! Adios, Mike-keep up the good work!! (please clarify your statement…”that won’t be the only thing going up”….for someone who perceives himself as eloquent, those words make no sense)

    Monday, October 26, 2015 at 9:26 am | Permalink
  44. Dizzy-I’m so disappointed that you think I’m trying to sound a ploy..darn..the real evil is coming out about me.and I’m glad of it!..wanted to come off as mean-spirited! Love your compliments….as a former teacher-one doesn’t look at a child and say to herself “this person is a child of an illegal immigrant”… teach all with the same intent-to educate-at whatever level they enter your classroom..and I’m excited that you portray me as a bad person with criminal pursuits…-no more Mrs. Nice Girl-let’s get the real story about her out there! Love that Bad Girl Image! Let’s clap for that! Tom, I know where you’re coming from-always have-…no need to review your position…I taught there…I know how good the school was and is….

    Monday, October 26, 2015 at 9:59 am | Permalink
  45. A Voter Too wrote:

    I thought the mailer was great, it shows how deceitful they are. They cannot mention that a Judge told the Mayor he can’t do what HE wants. They cannot explain why or even apologize for the misrepresentation.

    Monday, October 26, 2015 at 10:03 am | Permalink
  46. The Truth wrote:

    Claire you shouldn’t be embarrassed of the mailers no matter who paid for them that’s politics in the big city. What should concern you and everyone else in our town is that we are being asked to vote on something where all funding is now gone and the current council is not even addressing it. No town meeting, no alternative funding plan. Instead they are acting like children blaming everyone else instead of maybe just looking in the mirror and realizing they need to change the behavior. I’m sure there is still some Union money left to get a truthful not spiteful message out.

    Monday, October 26, 2015 at 10:24 am | Permalink
  47. Ms.Sarcastic wrote:

    #46 The Truth I hope these people don’t ring my bell on Halloween. They may not like the great candy I give them and i can see them now stomping their feet NO I want I want More and i want YOU to pay for it.

    Monday, October 26, 2015 at 10:36 am | Permalink
  48. Tom Dilberger wrote:

    Claire, you should look at the state website #38/South Side put up. Pretty dismal stats. The children of the illegal aliens aren’t doing well to say the least and we’re paying for their failure. If they were doing well, then I might be somewhat supportive of your position. But in that their parents are criminals and stealing the taxpayers money and the children are failing anyway. I maintain my position. That’s the last I’ll say on this unless it comes up again somewhere else.

    Monday, October 26, 2015 at 1:43 pm | Permalink
  49. The Barclay wrote:

    Claire, it’s like when I emailed everyone countless times regarding the Barclay liquor license transfer. The only people who responded were Jim Bean, trying to get an answer, and you telling me you have no idea what I am asking about and that you have nothing to do with it. Interesting answer coming from the then council president. Wouldn’t you want to rectify a situation that will undoubtedly make you’re tenure more tarnished then it already was? I’ll gladly finish the work for you and show how corrupt your administration was and continues to be.

    Monday, October 26, 2015 at 1:43 pm | Permalink
  50. Regarding Hispanic children attending Belmar School-check out the Supreme Court ruling on that issue….there was a test case about this in Connecticut back in the late ’80’s or early ’90’s…I believe the ruling from the highest court in the land was that every child, whether born here or not, is enititled to free public education…….most of our children are born here, and, even if their parents are considered to be illegal and the children themselves are illegal-they’re still afforded public education-according to the court’s decision..but check it out..shows how ignorant you are, Dizzy…good choice of fake name

    Monday, October 26, 2015 at 1:48 pm | Permalink
  51. Research the Supreme Court case-Plyer versus Doe..or Roe.(not sure)..I believe that’s the title of the case-regarding children of illegal aliens attending public schools-Dizzy and Tom-guess you’ll have to appeal your case to the Supreme Court….

    Monday, October 26, 2015 at 1:53 pm | Permalink
  52. dizzy wrote:

    Claire, I was not referring to children of illegal aliens in my comment and you know it. That was someone else’s comment. Do not confuse my comment with Mr. Dilberger’s. My reference was regarding the administration and how they operate. Your reply is typical and illustrates how you intentionally confuse issues and divert attention. You disgust me, as I most likely annoy and disgust you. Have a nice day.

    Monday, October 26, 2015 at 2:32 pm | Permalink
  53. Dizzy-Love you, too! Reference was made to illegal-regarding citizenry-you don’t disgust me-I pity you-very sad person….

    Monday, October 26, 2015 at 2:40 pm | Permalink
  54. Barclay-Glad Jim Bean was able to help you out……please give me more background info on your complaint-then I can go back to my notes..and respond accordingly…thanks! Have a pleasant day-

    Monday, October 26, 2015 at 2:51 pm | Permalink
  55. The Truth wrote:

    Claire you are help carry out one of the biggest dis service towards the people of Belmar. That fact no one from the this admin or even your party web site discuss the state of the funding a week before an important vote is laughable. The fact the man you take at his word ( Matt ) has been u reachable for comment speaks wonders. Let people think it’s free , why not. But your so concerned about there vote counting but yet your quiets as a mouse.

    Monday, October 26, 2015 at 5:15 pm | Permalink
  56. Anonymous wrote:

    #55-The Truth-difficult to understand some of your commentary…

    Monday, October 26, 2015 at 6:07 pm | Permalink
  57. Love the Beach wrote:

    Geez, leave the kids out of it. Yes, people should come into country legally. Don’t know what I would do if I were in their shoes. Most of us have known where our next meal is coming from. Anyway, the kids are here. What can we do but educate them and hope for the best. As you all know, from what is going on in some towns, that the sh….t piles up from the bottom and stacks up to the top of government. Don’t think we will change it in our lifetime but we can try. Vote NO on public question.

    Monday, October 26, 2015 at 6:34 pm | Permalink
  58. watchman wrote:

    I taught English and understand #55’s comment very well.

    Monday, October 26, 2015 at 8:32 pm | Permalink
  59. 58-Good for you!

    Monday, October 26, 2015 at 10:57 pm | Permalink
  60. The Truth wrote:

    58 thanks , she just can’t handle the truth.

    Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 6:01 am | Permalink
  61. #60-Great quote/paraphase-“You can’t handle the truth”…..from the movie-A Few Good Men- a line delivered by the character Col. Jessup-portrayed by one of our sons from our own Jersey area-Jack Nicholson-but there’s a bit of hypocrisy on your part, #60-you use the alias The Truth-but don’t use your actual name-odd, don’t you think? How is that the truth? I’ll paraphase also….”You can’t handle the truth if you don’t even use your own name……”

    Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 10:45 am | Permalink
  62. The Truth wrote:

    I say it again there is not a thing on the “Belmar Democrats ” face book page about the Judges decision . But yet you’re so “concerned ” about the seniors getting the right ballot. What about the info on the bond question ? You know the fact that they aren’t free. I even saw some of the Belmar Democrats requesting information so that they can make an informed decision.

    Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 11:30 am | Permalink
  63. Anonymous wrote:

    Vote No to stop the fiscal insanity. Vote No to stop the liar. Vote No, simply vote NO. You be positive about your own future and the future of Belmar. Build the pavilion for the price of a 3 story modular. Ask your professional friends and Associates they know it can be done with grace and beauty that is functional and economical. It can be done efficiently for much less. Vote No.

    Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 11:44 am | Permalink
  64. #62-The Truth-Here we go again with your misinformation-I never said I was “concerned” with the seniors who requested guidance about getting the right ballot-they needed help in figuring out why they got a
    A sample ballot when they’d voted twice-so, how about it, The Truth? Are, you in fact, the truth?

    Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 1:08 pm | Permalink
  65. Ms. Sarcastic wrote:

    #64 I don’t hear you saying you honestly explained the the reason there were 2 mail in vote forms. Stop saying you are concerned with the Seniors when you are only concerned with wining at any cost.

    Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 3:00 pm | Permalink
  66. #65-How clever of you-you’ve got me figured out! I really don’t care about the people who reached out to me- the best I could do was to tell them that if they received the second ballot and voted (VBM) then their votes counted-
    not to worry about the sample ballot received in the mail…..people on this blog really know the real me!

    Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 5:39 pm | Permalink
  67. linlee wrote:

    Mrs. Deicke, the people on this blog only know you as you express and present yourself here. My name is Linda Lee.

    Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 6:36 pm | Permalink
  68. Mike Seebeck wrote:

    Claire honest question do you plan on telling anyone about Judge Gummers decision so they them make their choice armed with the truth? And from one taxpayer to another do you think an appeal of this thoughtful ruling is a good idea? thanks

    Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 7:08 pm | Permalink
  69. Mike-I see you’ve calmed down-
    and not insulting this time..yes, I do discuss the Gummer decision with any and all who bring it up to me. Most know about it, given press coverage. They seem to have full understanding of the verdict. I do think it’s worthy of an appeal-in light of all of that has transpired …appeal is part of the legal process…many people don’t agree with the verdict-people from both sides of the aisle-Democrats and Republicans…alike….I personally think it’s worthy of another look..(these comments will certainly rev my opponents up-hope so-can’t wait for the backlash!) Honest question deserves an honest answer….many don’t think the ruling is “thoughtful”….and believe monies suggested by the mayor to be applied to the cost of the pavilion made sense-now don’t get too angry-stay calm and accept what I state as my opinion-that’s what you asked for right?

    Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 8:52 pm | Permalink
  70. Anonymous wrote:

    Baloney benders of every shape show their true colors by weaving in and out and all about never giving substantial information upon which to make a judgment or form an opinion. Trust me it will be free, it’s FREE, it’s FREE.

    Dancing to a different drummer, I will make a SUGGESTION to all, Vote NO.

    Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 10:18 pm | Permalink
  71. Anonymous wrote:


    Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 11:03 pm | Permalink
  72. #71-Glad you’re one of my fans! Isn’t commenting on thie blog fun?? It’s unfortunate, Anonymous, that since my opinions differ from yours, they’re nonsense-but, good for you! I knew an anonymous commenter would get revved up-speak to some of the people I’ve spoken to about recent happenings…….they’ll tell you what they think is nonsense-and it isn’t me or what I “spew”…..I think it’s nonsense that you’re so weak and cowardly that you use the name Anonymous…..don’t you feel pale and invisible? What do you fear? Retaliation? If you were strong in your convictions and a strong person as you proclaim, then why don’t you back your thoughts with an honest name? You’re not even as clever as Don Vito, or Love the Beach, or Ben Real, or Old Man, or Tulips-all my friends…but, as long as you direct opinions about me, I’ll continue to spew (like a volcano…..)

    Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 12:04 am | Permalink
  73. Trusting soul wrote:

    Read the trial verdict of the Honorable Katie Gummer, Judge of Superior Court, Monmoth County. This trial verdict speaks volumes to the public clearly and loudly.

    If anyone has the time to read, start at page 44 and continue. There are serious violations found to have occurred in Belmar not the least of which are multiple instances of lack of veracity, ethics and integrity by Belmar’s administration.

    This is NOT a democrat vs GOP case. It affects all the people regardless of
    Political persuasion living in and out of Belmar. The Beach Utility Fund raiding (or planned raiding) of its is NOT lawful. No one in their right minds would want an to break the law or further endanger the public Trust by following the Mayor’s current advice to Vote yes despite the betrayal of the public Trust. He knows that he could propose other bond ordinances. Make up your minds now before November 3rd on this bond ordinance. Will you build the pavilion out of your own pocketbook or NOT? Many voters by mail didn’t know the ramifications of the costs that they will incur before mailing their ballots prior to Judge Gummer’s decision October 24th. But you do have the time to read the nonbiased judgment of the Court. If you don’t, ask a trusted friend for their interpretation and specifics; then vote.

    Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 8:20 am | Permalink
  74. nodee nyall wrote:

    “(these comments will certainly rev my opponents up-hope so-can’t wait for the backlash!)

    We have a flame-war instigator (“troll”) amongst us, I believe.

    Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 12:17 pm | Permalink
  75. #74-Just calling it like I see it-isn’t that what all you good commenters do? I’m so happy that my comments are being posted-and then a commenter recaptures the spirit of my words-and posts them again! This has happened at least three or four times in the past week! So I’m getting more mileage out of my thoughts…my unique title given by you intrigues me-Flame war instigator-remember-I answer when addressed-either by name- or if the context of posts points at me…….so I don’t instigate-I follow up on what the instigators’ reports about me-trolling is what I do best!

    Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 6:29 pm | Permalink
  76. Bipartisan wrote:

    Reading between the lines of this blog in addition to other media, the choice is clear. Vote NO = Integrity, Veracity and Ethics. Plain language please.

    Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 10:19 pm | Permalink
  77. nodee nyall wrote:

    Claire, please go to and look up “flame war” and “internet troll”. The title is not unique. I was presenting evidence in the line quoted.

    Thursday, October 29, 2015 at 11:53 am | Permalink
  78. nodee nyall wrote:

    Also, Claire, I hereby wash my hands of you so you cannot accuse me of provoking you – with the truth.

    Thursday, October 29, 2015 at 12:15 pm | Permalink
  79. #77-I know it’s not unique in a greater sense-but, to be applied to me, the phrasing was unique (as referenced about me…in my opinion… I received it)…

    Thursday, October 29, 2015 at 12:18 pm | Permalink
  80. The Truth wrote:

    Claire either Matt lied when he said it would be free or Colleen lied under oath. You can pick who want , but if want me to Vote for something at least tell me The Truth .

    Thursday, October 29, 2015 at 1:14 pm | Permalink
  81. #78-Thanks for washing your hands of me-just answering to accusations…..The Truth-I don’t think either lied-that’s your opinion-why do you lie abut who you are?

    Thursday, October 29, 2015 at 7:01 pm | Permalink
  82. Anonymous wrote:

    Scofflaw: a person (or administration) who flout the law, especially by failing to comply with a law that is difficult to enforce.

    Hmmmmm, does that label apply to any under oath testimony in the Susko case? Somebody is surely culpable in this case and it sure isn’t Plaintiffs or Dave Schneck.

    Thursday, October 29, 2015 at 9:09 pm | Permalink
  83. Belmar gal wrote:

    Vote NO as we are not getting the truth from the town.

    And when is Mayor going to apologize for calling us terrorists? Just horrible.

    Friday, October 30, 2015 at 1:28 am | Permalink
  84. South Side wrote:

    #43 Claire Deicke’s own words ‘old time Democrats’ – clueless and still voting the D Column.

    Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at 9:27 am | Permalink
  85. Anonymous wrote:

    Nauseum redux

    Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at 9:36 am | Permalink
  86. Just Passing Through wrote:

    #84 The problem is they are not clueless, just selfish in their conflicts of interests, dishonesty and just not being honest with the residents. They will get their just desserts in time. They think they are cute and the voters are stupid, and they think they can get away with anything. Time will tell.

    Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at 9:43 am | Permalink
  87. A Voter 2 wrote:

    Question for Mr. Pringle. Cant the Judge step in and issue a cease and desist on the way they are doing things in view of the decision?

    Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at 10:22 am | Permalink

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