A few things here. I consider this thing with the coach a tempest in a teapot – a bunch of malarkey. Having said that, I also consider female competitive sports a bunch of malarkey. Girls shouldn’t be encouraged to take part in those type of things. They are by nature ill-suited for competition. Obviously, those ideas are not popular nowadays, but popularity isn’t important here. What is important is doing the right thing by young women.
#1…. What you said makes absolutely no sense at all. St Rose has one of the most storied girls basketball programs in the state. The girls gain a great life experience from participating in this program. They are also very dedicated, and work hard to attain the level of achievement year after year. You should go watch a game, it may change your opinion.
Comments like number 1 take away from the legitimacy of this blog. Thank you Mr. Dilberger for making our entire community look like a bunch of backward buffoons with one ignorant comment. By the way, look no further than the success the St. Rose girls have had that the boys have not had since Bob Verga.
#5 – Sir/Madam, you give me too much credit. I only stated my opinion. I doubt many people think people reading the comments on this site think I represent the thinking of the majority of people in the town. Even if they do, it makes no difference. People are entitled to their own opinion, even if they’re wrong.
You bring up another point. This concept going around that girls are in competition with boys, This can never be. The female mission in life is entirely different than the male. There can never be competition between the two. Only inter-dependent action. An idea of competition between the two will, can only lead to disaster.
#7 – That’s fine, but no matter how “irrelevant,” my opinion may be, I believe it to be correct. I’m sure you stand by my right to my opinion as I to your right, no matter how mistaken your opinion may be.
The sexist (Dilbert) and bigoted (Creamer)comments are shocking. You small minded boys should be ashamed. But, probably not smart enough to be. (Sounds like cases of “never got over small hands” and feel threatened.)
#10 …. I’m sorry you interpreted my comment as bigotry …. I was trying to acknowledge a growing segment of the population that I support.
Real bigotry is intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.
#10- I don’t speak for Gene of course, but at this point I am what I am and am well satisfied with my thoughts and feelings. Don’t look for me to change. You are right on the smarts point about me though. I was never thought to be the smartest person around – Just an old Marine and Ironworker.
This is at the very least a generational thing, as Mr. Dilberger and Mr. Creamer are from an older generation than I, but it is the mindset that leads to things like Matt Lauer, Harvey Wienstein, and the like. A mindset that is hopefully changing in this country, and lucky for us girls, a generation that is on it’s way out of the workforce!
MM – With all due respect, you’re the victim of a gigantic con-job. All people should stay within the bounds of their nature. Once men and women move into spheres beyond their natural abilities, as they are now, disaster must follow.
We all should watch our words. They are loaded with meanings that others may find objectionable and the user could be unaware of implications. Stirring up controversy on purpose is another matter. All food for thought before labeling someone bigot or racist.
#23 …. YES! …. I do realize my choice of words could have been better …. Before the comment, I did look-up ‘butch’ in Websters and found “notably or deliberately masculine in appearance or manner” and thought it appropriate for the drift of the thread …. I didn’t consider the current ‘butch’ slang definition…
Today, there are more females with short hair, or wear Levi blue jeans, than ever before and that was my focus …. all great with me …. except for the language that would make an ironworker blush.
My view remains unchanged. The girls are being misled by this focus on competitive sports. Girls/young women and boys/young men are being taught in effect, wrong is right and right is wrong. Not just in the area of sports, but overall. This is why that so many young people are not doing well. The entire key to life I believe is usefulness. We’re pushing our young people towards uselessness on a broad front in life. Then we stand around and act as if we’re surprised when the young person does something incredibly stupid. All the time it’s the adults who are to blame for it. For too long I stood by mesmerized by what I was observing and thought our leadership couldn’t be wrong, after all, they were smart people. Then it finally dawned on me, yeah, they’re smart alright but when you looked more closely at these people in leadership positions, you saw that they’re mostly inexperienced people who’ve made their way in life by the spoken/written word – inexperienced people. So now, I will remain silent no more. When I see something I don’t like, I say something. For those who disagree with me, just look at it this way, as it’s been said here, I’m irrelevant and old. That’s fine, just ignore what I say.
Jan 14, 2017 – Uploaded by annette hollander
Up next. Clog Dancing On The Porch. Bluegrass Dancing – Historic Documentary. Clogging – Mountain Folk …
I think this video shows a bit of what I mean. Look at these young people, cleared eyed and not confused as to their station in life. Thin, but not like waifs. Used to work, but also knew good fun. The were guided in their every move by elders who cared/ loved them. The love was not showy like we see today. It was shown in a thousand meaningful ways. Correcting when needed and the young person was thankful when corrected and shown the right way of doing something rather than resentful as we see today. Anyway, enjoys this video. Enough from me today.
Thanks, Mr. Dilberger, I am a fan of your comments and think you represent wisdom most of the time. The rest of the time, I wonder if you are pulling our legs, but so what, a good pull is fine. If not, so what, you spoke and that is what counts.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017 at 10:03 am|Permalink
A few things here. I consider this thing with the coach a tempest in a teapot – a bunch of malarkey. Having said that, I also consider female competitive sports a bunch of malarkey. Girls shouldn’t be encouraged to take part in those type of things. They are by nature ill-suited for competition. Obviously, those ideas are not popular nowadays, but popularity isn’t important here. What is important is doing the right thing by young women.
#1…. What you said makes absolutely no sense at all. St Rose has one of the most storied girls basketball programs in the state. The girls gain a great life experience from participating in this program. They are also very dedicated, and work hard to attain the level of achievement year after year. You should go watch a game, it may change your opinion.
It’s easy to confuse the NJSIAA with the Monmouth County Election Board …. they both flip-flop.
Gamblers caused this type of problem. Only hurts the athletes.
Comments like number 1 take away from the legitimacy of this blog. Thank you Mr. Dilberger for making our entire community look like a bunch of backward buffoons with one ignorant comment. By the way, look no further than the success the St. Rose girls have had that the boys have not had since Bob Verga.
#5 – Sir/Madam, you give me too much credit. I only stated my opinion. I doubt many people think people reading the comments on this site think I represent the thinking of the majority of people in the town. Even if they do, it makes no difference. People are entitled to their own opinion, even if they’re wrong.
You bring up another point. This concept going around that girls are in competition with boys, This can never be. The female mission in life is entirely different than the male. There can never be competition between the two. Only inter-dependent action. An idea of competition between the two will, can only lead to disaster.
#6… Time has obviously passed you by, making your opinion irrelevant in todays world.
#7 – That’s fine, but no matter how “irrelevant,” my opinion may be, I believe it to be correct. I’m sure you stand by my right to my opinion as I to your right, no matter how mistaken your opinion may be.
#7 …. Agree …. times have changed …. especially with the butch population increase.
The sexist (Dilbert) and bigoted (Creamer)comments are shocking. You small minded boys should be ashamed. But, probably not smart enough to be. (Sounds like cases of “never got over small hands” and feel threatened.)
#10 …. I’m sorry you interpreted my comment as bigotry …. I was trying to acknowledge a growing segment of the population that I support.
Real bigotry is intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.
#10- I don’t speak for Gene of course, but at this point I am what I am and am well satisfied with my thoughts and feelings. Don’t look for me to change. You are right on the smarts point about me though. I was never thought to be the smartest person around – Just an old Marine and Ironworker.
This is at the very least a generational thing, as Mr. Dilberger and Mr. Creamer are from an older generation than I, but it is the mindset that leads to things like Matt Lauer, Harvey Wienstein, and the like. A mindset that is hopefully changing in this country, and lucky for us girls, a generation that is on it’s way out of the workforce!
“Real bigotry is intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.”
ageism – prejudice or discrimination on the basis of a person’s age.
#13 …. Yep! …. I’m old and in the way …. I was one of only a few Belmar voters that sent Christine Todd Whitman to Trenton in 1993.
MM – With all due respect, you’re the victim of a gigantic con-job. All people should stay within the bounds of their nature. Once men and women move into spheres beyond their natural abilities, as they are now, disaster must follow.
Bobby Riggs believed that, until…
#16….Get in the ring with a female MMA fighter, then talk to me about natural abilities. You would not last a 5 minute round.
#13 Big feminist blunder – use of the word “girls” for women.
#17,18…………..Please leave those two guys alone. Just expressing their opinions
Change the gender labels for school aged athletes, please. No more girls or boys listings. Female and Male could be less offensive.
#s 17&18 – You two might win some sort of prize on this website for those posts – Lord help us all…
Gene, I have always thought you are terrific, but the language of your comment #9 is like using the “N’ word and then saying you are not a racist.
We all should watch our words. They are loaded with meanings that others may find objectionable and the user could be unaware of implications. Stirring up controversy on purpose is another matter. All food for thought before labeling someone bigot or racist.
#23 …. YES! …. I do realize my choice of words could have been better …. Before the comment, I did look-up ‘butch’ in Websters and found “notably or deliberately masculine in appearance or manner” and thought it appropriate for the drift of the thread …. I didn’t consider the current ‘butch’ slang definition…
Today, there are more females with short hair, or wear Levi blue jeans, than ever before and that was my focus …. all great with me …. except for the language that would make an ironworker blush.
Hooray for masculine-appearing females, I love ’em. I am not at all threatened. Perception is everything.
My view remains unchanged. The girls are being misled by this focus on competitive sports. Girls/young women and boys/young men are being taught in effect, wrong is right and right is wrong. Not just in the area of sports, but overall. This is why that so many young people are not doing well. The entire key to life I believe is usefulness. We’re pushing our young people towards uselessness on a broad front in life. Then we stand around and act as if we’re surprised when the young person does something incredibly stupid. All the time it’s the adults who are to blame for it. For too long I stood by mesmerized by what I was observing and thought our leadership couldn’t be wrong, after all, they were smart people. Then it finally dawned on me, yeah, they’re smart alright but when you looked more closely at these people in leadership positions, you saw that they’re mostly inexperienced people who’ve made their way in life by the spoken/written word – inexperienced people. So now, I will remain silent no more. When I see something I don’t like, I say something. For those who disagree with me, just look at it this way, as it’s been said here, I’m irrelevant and old. That’s fine, just ignore what I say.
Best Bluegrass Clog Dancing Video Ever Made – YouTube
Video for Best Bluegrass Clog Dancing Video Ever Made 6:16
Jan 14, 2017 – Uploaded by annette hollander
Up next. Clog Dancing On The Porch. Bluegrass Dancing – Historic Documentary. Clogging – Mountain Folk …
I think this video shows a bit of what I mean. Look at these young people, cleared eyed and not confused as to their station in life. Thin, but not like waifs. Used to work, but also knew good fun. The were guided in their every move by elders who cared/ loved them. The love was not showy like we see today. It was shown in a thousand meaningful ways. Correcting when needed and the young person was thankful when corrected and shown the right way of doing something rather than resentful as we see today. Anyway, enjoys this video. Enough from me today.
Thanks, Mr. Dilberger, I am a fan of your comments and think you represent wisdom most of the time. The rest of the time, I wonder if you are pulling our legs, but so what, a good pull is fine. If not, so what, you spoke and that is what counts.
Can you say sdrawkcab…..
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