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Reform, New Jersey Style

In other words, no reform at all.  In yesterday’s Asbury Park Press story “Copay hikes may end in 4 years“, we learn that the increased health insurance copay for state workers will “sunset” in four years.  This is after gutting much of the reforms proposed for pension system. 

Despite the severity of the problems we are suffering as a direct result of the actions of the Democrats and Republicans currently “serving” in Trenton, many of us didn’t expect much in the way of reform.  We got even less.  And the modest reforms we did get will disappear in four years.  Still, the unions oppose it. 

With one or two exceptions, there’s nobody in the statehouse interested in reforming much of anything.  As long as they get to keep their jobs, Christie, Sweeney, (Speaker) Oliver, “our” guys Rible, Angelini and Kean and all the rest of them are perfectly content to have New Jersey continue to be the state with the highest taxes, highest defecits, biggest debt, and least freedom.

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