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Rible’s Conflicting Oaths

“……and I do further promise – and declare I will not – by word, deed, sign or token – injure a fellow member of this Association”

As the Asbury Park Press reports, this (somewhat creepy) PBA loyalty oath was taken David Rible when he became a cop.  He now stands accused by the PBA of violating that oath by voting in favor of trimming (slightly, and apparently only temporarily) state worker benefits, including those of police.  Of course he says that his oath to his constituents is more important, but will he disavow his PBA oath?  Will he resign from the union, as he should?  Isn’t there a serious conflict of interest in voting on state law regarding a union to which he’s taken a (somewhat creepy) loyalty oath? 

In a letter published in the Coast Star, Rible states: 

“One of the most important responsibilities of the Legislature is to safeguard taxpayer dollars. It is our job to make sure that all financial decisions, including our state’s budget, serve the best interest of the taxpayers and does not misuse their hard-earned dollars.”


“It is important to note that our state is experiencing a financial crisis and so tough decisions must be made in order to repair our economy. Therefore, the efficient use of taxpayer money should be the number one priority when making these significant decisions.”

Mr. Rible’s claim of fealty to the taxpayers seems a little inauthentic considering he’s been collecting $54,000 a year since 1998 in disability payments from those same taxpayers and apparently intends to continue collecting this money for the rest of his life.  I guess his disability payments are not part of any spending cuts he might envision.

                                The “totally and permanently disabled”  David Rible competes in a 5K run. 

**BTW, does declaring “I will not – by word, deed, sign or token – injure a fellow member of this Association” mean that you can’t report on or testify about misconduct by fellow officers?  Just wondering.


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