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Sept 5 Agenda And More

It will be interesting to see, after all the hype about it, if the media will show up to cover the public hearing on the beach tent ordinance.  Seems like such old news now.  It will also be interesting to see what sort of show they put on for us at the “workshop” about Kapalko.  Colleen won’t be there and Matt will be recusing himself so I hope that the others have learned their lines carefully.  I see too that the Boathouse’s license renewal is up.  They better tread lightly there lest the town be sued a third time by the Harmons.


The two properties they want to add to redevelopment are inconveniently situated homes, one at 611 8th Ave and the other at 604 5th Ave.

Google has the red dot in the wrong place on the lower picture.  It’s actually beachfront director and BES teacher Kevin O’Donnell’s house at the bottom there with all the boats smushed against it.

In the resolution packet (but not listed on the agenda for some reason) is authorization to auction off all those military trucks that we acquired a few years ago:


Also to report…….more Matt:

News 12…



And now one last thing this morning….

Plastic sheathing covers up the door to the 10th Ave lifeguard tower in this photo taken yesterday morning.  Anyone know what that’s about?


  1. Guest#2 wrote:

    Is there a benefit to the homeowner if their house is listed in the redevelopment zone?

    Saturday, September 2, 2017 at 8:59 am | Permalink
  2. admin wrote:

    Redeveloper gets tax abatement and streamlined approval process.

    Saturday, September 2, 2017 at 9:12 am | Permalink
  3. elemental wrote:

    I certainly hope that the new shade tree commission members actually know something about and care about trees, not like their leader who, in my opinion, knows virtually nothing about the wonderful producers of oxygen for our environment. A lovely group of trees was eliminated to build a rather useless miniature golf course on the Shark River bank. The trees on 10th Avenue west of Main Street were cut down, along with the ones around the back of the police station parking lot. Cannot blame salt water from flooding for the need of removal.

    Saturday, September 2, 2017 at 10:03 am | Permalink
  4. excuse me wrote:

    “The two properties they want to add to redevelopment are inconveniently situated homes…” “Inconvenient” for what and for whom?

    Saturday, September 2, 2017 at 1:15 pm | Permalink
  5. excuse me wrote:

    OK, many are beating up Matt because they are onto his game, but I admit that he looks and sounds sincere in those videos.

    Saturday, September 2, 2017 at 2:31 pm | Permalink
  6. Anonymous wrote:

    Beware of Creeps bearing gifts.

    Saturday, September 2, 2017 at 3:12 pm | Permalink
  7. OLD MAN wrote:

    #5 What cool aid have you been drinking?

    Saturday, September 2, 2017 at 3:19 pm | Permalink
  8. Tulip wrote:

    Could the door be leaking? First the roof and now, I bet it is a leaking door.

    Saturday, September 2, 2017 at 5:03 pm | Permalink
  9. Riled up and down wrote:

    Hey, Dave followers, does “Inconveniently Situated” property(s) mean some of those outrageous, uncontrollable summer rentals are redevelopment candidate properties which would benefit the entire community?

    Saturday, September 2, 2017 at 6:26 pm | Permalink
  10. Guest wrote:

    5 – with all due respect, that is what you call a true politician.

    Saturday, September 2, 2017 at 6:46 pm | Permalink
  11. excuse me wrote:

    #7 “looks and sounds” does not equal a genuine state of being, but just an illusion. If someone who does not know better watches the videos, he would say, “wow, what a nice guy!” Pass the organic pomegranate juice.

    Saturday, September 2, 2017 at 6:46 pm | Permalink
  12. excuse me wrote:

    #10 exactly. All he needed was a crocodile tear and a little more context.

    Saturday, September 2, 2017 at 7:09 pm | Permalink
  13. OLD MAN wrote:

    #11 Never say anything positive about this guy. He is a phony person. No.. Pass the Aspirins please

    Saturday, September 2, 2017 at 7:10 pm | Permalink
  14. FJW wrote:

    #5, 10 and 11

    “Sincerity is the key to success. Once you can fake that you’ve got it made.”

    Groucho Marx

    Saturday, September 2, 2017 at 7:29 pm | Permalink
  15. callmecynical wrote:

    #9 Depends if the landlords and Matt can make some kind of mutually beneficial deals and have perhaps another entity in the wings to facilitate for a piece of the deal.

    Saturday, September 2, 2017 at 7:36 pm | Permalink
  16. Eugene Creamer wrote:

    proposed Ordinance 2017-18 regarding awnings & canopies is contrary to state law.

    Saturday, September 2, 2017 at 10:16 pm | Permalink
  17. Katrina wrote:

    Eugene. Please explain.

    Sunday, September 3, 2017 at 8:04 am | Permalink
  18. Eugene Creamer wrote:

    #17 …. construction codes are the purview of the State of New Jersey …. aka – “state supremacy” or “N.J. trumps Belmar” …. if the Borough’s proposed changes to building codes have merit, there is a correct method to request change.

    Sunday, September 3, 2017 at 11:51 am | Permalink
  19. dizzy wrote:

    Ha ha, admin said “smushed”. Could he have watched that inane show called Jersey Shore? No smushing behind the boats.

    Sunday, September 3, 2017 at 1:26 pm | Permalink
  20. Anonymous wrote:

    Does the ordinance code have to deal with tents and canopies? Like the ones at 9th ave pier, Belmar Fishing club and the surf camp?

    Sunday, September 3, 2017 at 6:19 pm | Permalink
  21. Anonymous wrote:

    Where to begin with the issues with the life saving station, just ask a veteran Belmar lifeguard. Allegedly when there is rain with a NE, E or SE wind water pours in the door and it floods because door was not installed correctly. They installed crank window that when opened, block the balcony. Issue with emergency exit from tower…only one way out

    Monday, September 4, 2017 at 7:20 pm | Permalink
  22. Anonymous wrote:

    Don’t forget Djais. What are they up to now maybe 4 or 5 tents in the back? Plus all this weekend the extra ones along the sidewalk with the rain.

    Monday, September 4, 2017 at 7:58 pm | Permalink
  23. Anonymous wrote:

    Where did all the Belmar palm trees go?

    Monday, September 4, 2017 at 8:01 pm | Permalink
  24. callmecynical wrote:

    #23 There could be a memorial service for all the dead palm trees at Taylor Pavilion if anyone cared about them. All they influenced in Belmar were some bad jokes. Friends and family members from far and wide may attend. Florida visitors get front row seats. Please be reverent; they were once living things.

    Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at 8:36 am | Permalink
  25. Guest wrote:

    22 – D’Jais has illegally expanded its use for years and the Mayor and Council have turned a blind eye to it all. I guess the fire marshals visits this weekend did not find any problems with that firetrap and it’s illegal rear yard bar and extra tents lined in the path of fire exits.

    Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at 9:46 am | Permalink
  26. legion wrote:

    #25 No worry – patrons can form an old fashioned bucket brigade using nice ocean salt water to douse any flames. That will work on a fire, right, but the electrical sytsems? Who cares. Someone is raking in the money. Anyone see any buckets? No, not puke buckets.

    Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at 9:55 am | Permalink

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