Reportedly only 6 guards from 13th Ave to 20th and reports of equipment trouble.
I’m going to add submitted photos to this post instead of creating a new post for each.
Reportedly only 6 guards from 13th Ave to 20th and reports of equipment trouble.
I’m going to add submitted photos to this post instead of creating a new post for each.
Is this what going in a different direction means? Huh? Having no guards at all. The town rocked the boat and now there is no one to man it. Good job.
Thanks Colleen, Drew & Macgovern. What happens when whom ever stayed to work in Belmar gets frustrated with lack of proper staffing? They’ll be no one watching our families….well, well … as Matt said don’t worry people will want to work in Belmar
Maybe the Acting Chief will guard the beaches with his police force & himself, then they can make all the over time they want at the tax payers expense. He was doing a pretty good job of it last night $$$$$$$
Why is the chief still acting?
Guards present on 18th – Vacant stand on 17th – Stand lying down on 19th
Hes still acting so he can make 50k a year in overtime.
Of course not all stands are down but staffing levels sure are. Wasn’t that Dirty Dohertys beef, that he took a walk and saw some stands down so instead of asking why,he,Connolly, McGovern and complicit Brennan and Nicolay decided to fire all the lifeguard supervisors.
Well you sure solved the problem!
I’ve been sitting on 5th ave beach for years and years and the 5th ave stand is down. I talked to the guards on 4th Ave and asked why and they just shook their heads saying things are different now. Not happy.
I heard the order takers from Cruz Bay Cafe are handling 5th
#4 – because “Acting Chief” allows him to make all the overtime he wants and no one stops him. A fully sworn chief (not acting) is not entitled to overtime. Thank Matt for that scam and this council letting it continue. Cough up those OT tax dollars $
Don’t worry, fundraisers for drowning victims make the problem go away – unless victims’ families sue the town anyway.
Do we have any parks left that we can name after the next drowning victims’?
So to me it looks like there were only 20/21 guards on duty for the whole town on a major weekend. Nice job Mr. Police chief and administrator Connolly. Thank God the water was cold and calm!
#6 & #10 – So the chief is stealing from the taxpayers?
the change of direction is from rescue to recovery
Was Cruz Bay soliciting today?
Anyone see them?
This is from a reliable source… 4:45 the lifeguards who worked today were told via a radio transmission that they would be working until 1800 hrs. This transmission was from the beachfront management. As per Borough ordinance I believe lifeguard hours are 9AM to 5:30PM. So who’s really calling the shots? Mike Campbell from Colleen? If this persists I doubt there will be any guards left by 4th of July….they are out of control and forcing whatever guards are left to work extra hours with very little compensation
So you’re gonna tell me that Colleen Connolly and Mike Campbell are telling their new hire Kerecman what hours the guards will work? This is madness , why is she running and ruining everything this town has to offer? Go back to where you came from before Avon.
Just saw Colleen on News12 saying that the Beach is safe.
Sandra where was she when they interviewed her? Maybe Matt should contact all the papers and news media and tell them the fact that stands were down on the busiest weekend of the summer means the BA mismanaged the lifeguards. She should be replaced. Oh and don’t forget INTRUM Mayor McGovern who helped create this mess.
Great job Belmar for going in your new direction! It looked like a sh*t show down there, more stands down then I have ever seen and only a handful of lifeguards. You should really be ashamed of what you did to the lifelong lifeguards that ran that beach with perfection with the little they had. The made it run smoothly and were professional! You guys looked ridiculous yesterday and deserve it !
Sewer pipe beach 20th Ave.,Who would want to guard that mess?
Should we all believe that the B.A.
Is running this town alone? If we think that we all have a problem. There is still one in command and one who is going to do the clean up. I see nothing that shows me anything different.I hope
AC is in better shape than we are or
They too will be having problems. They
Are safe until the official turn over.
Then we may get relief from the rulers.
The beach goers love it when they can romp in the Ocean and get away with staying in despite Lifeguard warning. The youngsters are thrill seekers. They haven’t learned to respect and fear the Ocean in all its majesty yet.
Five stands down today from 2nd to 17 no problem everything under control this was 2 pm
They fired the supervisors to move in another direction. They sure did, a downward spiral.
Sad that beach safety is now compromised
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