DCA Ethics Investigation Still Looming
You may recall that last May Jim Bean filed an ethics complaint against Mayor Doherty over the conflict of interest with Doherty’s wife working for AshBritt:
In August the Department of Community Affairs referred the case to the state Attorney General’s office. This was its own decision and had nothing to do with Bean:
Note that the DCA can not move forward on its investigation until the AG’s office concludes its own investigation. Well apparently the AG’s office has not found grounds for a criminal case against Doherty:
So Bean today requested that the DCA resume its original investigation in to the matter under the Local Government Ethics Law:
Stay tuned.
I think it is time to drop this and move on. Now Mr. Bean is starting to look like a sore loser. He asked for an inquiry and it was decided that there was no merit to the acusation. He needs to live with the decision and quit wasting tax dollars on a reinvestigation because he didn’t get the answer he was looking for. I was and still am a Jim Bean supporter but quite frankly this is making him look bad. Move on Jim in the interest of Belmar.
The word re-investigation is never used because it doesn’t apply. The DCA moved it up to a criminal case, and closed mine without prejudice. I never though it was criminal, just un-ethical. All I ask is for my original ethics charge to be heard by the DCA.
why would the guest above think j. bean will look bad when he asks questions for the tax payers. we have the right to know where the money goes and why. he asks for all of us not just himself.
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