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The First Four Years

Gave no bid contract to wife’s client, Ashbritt.

Gave no bid contract to wife’s client and large campaign donor Ferreira Bros.  Nearly $1 million in wire transfers to Ferreira never appeared on any payment of bills lists (for council review) until the information was OPRAed by a private citizen and then there was a news story about the problem.

Broke debris-removal contract with de Rouville and replaced them with AshBritt.  de Rouville is now suing Belmar.

Broke flood water pump-out contract with Broadco and put a stop payment on a check sent to them.  Replaced them with union contractor J H Reid.  When asked at a public meeting why Broadco was replaced, borough administrator said “Broadco sucks”.  Broadco is now suing Belmar.

Used emergency powers to continue no bid work by Ferreira long after actual emergency had passed.

Bid out boardwalk and seawall construction together, then only built the boardwalk but used the combined price to allow an illegally large (as a percent of the total job)  $2 million change order.  Changed stories about the reason for the change order two times.  Allowed change to proceed without Council approval.  Chairman of the contracting company that asked for the change order sits on the board of trustees of wife’s client, LIUNA.

Ignored pleas from constituents, from Jim Bean and from the State of New Jersey not to distribute charitable donations himself but to let reputable charities do it, then lost $9500 worth of Shop Rite gift cards.  Blamed Jim Bean for finding the discrepancy.

Never bought any boards with the $727,000 in “Buy a Board” donations.

Despite pleas from residents and from Councilman Bean, refused to separate funding for 10th Ave safety building project and instead holds its construction hostage to his controversial plans for Taylor.  Safety building still not constructed.

Lost $100,000 renting boardwalk trailers to private companies, calling it “good business”.

Spent $10,000 on beach balls for photo ops.

Replaced fleet of storm flooded Crown Victoria police cars with expensive Chevy Tahoe SUVs.  Insurance then only paid value of used Crown Victorias.  FEMA won’t make up the difference.

Failed to notify 736 owners of flood damaged properties of their eligibly for a tax reduction under a county program.

Handpicked mostly campaign contributors for Boardwalk Advisory Panel.  Panel then rubber stamped plans for rooftop golf, public bathhouses and 2nd story banquet hall that would have served liquor.

Spent hundreds of thousands of dollars for architectural plans for pavilions that nobody wanted.

Forced Councilman Bean to sue in order to get access to gift card records.  Accused Bean of wanting to embarrass storm victims.  Lost in OPRA court.  (Bean later discovered that nearly half the cards were lost or stolen.)

Forced resident Ted Ehmann to sue in order to get access to public documents.  Lost in OPRA court.

Forced Coast Star newspaper to sue in order to get access to public documents.  Lost in OPRA court.

Illegally declared beachfront an “area in need of redevelopment”.  Tried to grant himself power to enter into privately negotiated no-bid deals with developers.  Concerned citizens sue.  Declared lawsuit “frivolous”.  Lost lawsuit.

Illegally planned to use badge revenues to pay for 5th Ave community center.  Concerned residents sue.  Declared lawsuit “frivolous”.  Lost lawsuit.

Illegally enacted law giving union contractors unfair advantage in bidding for projects in Belmar.  Concerned residents sue.  Declared lawsuit “frivolous”.  Lost lawsuit.

Ignored lawfully collected petitions against $7.5 million bond and 2 story Taylor pavilion with liquor license until sued and forced to accept them by Superior Court judge.

Dropped 2 story idea and introduced new bond that was still $7 million.  Included $1 million in projected engineering costs.   Hundreds of petitions collected against new bond.  Refused to accept petition signers’ demands or negotiate about the size of the bond.

Told petitioners that it’s their fault there will have to be a $17,000 special election.  When informed that the law calls for the vote to be held in November at no cost to taxpayers, changed his story and said it’s a good deal to spend $17,000 on an early special election so he can keep crony Epic’s contract if he wins the special election.

Lost election 58% to 42% despite $thousands in funding by laborers union.

To this date refuses to accept petitions against pro-union “responsible bidder” language added to our code.  If not accepted by October 31 there will need to be another special election at taxpayer expense.

Belmar Democratic Committee has accepted so far this year $5000 from International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and $7000 from Laborers International.

Has not held an executive session (where the Council is informed about sensitive issues like lawsuits) in 3 years.  When asked why there have been no executive sessions he said there was never anything to discuss.

Rescheduled or canceled 13 council meetings so far this year.

No longer accepts questions from the public during public comments sessions, saying it’s for “comments”, not “questions”.

Allowed Belmar’s total debt (minus school debt) to rise from $15 million to $39 million, higher than Manasquan, Sea Girt, Spring Lake, Avon or Bradley Beach.  Bragged that he hasn’t raised taxes.

In a possible violation of 90-day rule, sent out taxpayer-funded campaign letter soft-peddling the debt.  Letter failed to mention $4.5 million FEMA loan that was used to balance the budget.

Refused to finance Silver Lake flood control project until Republicans made it a campaign issue, then took credit for it.

Characterized people who spoke out about any of this as being “against recovery”.

Smeared critic Mike Seebeck in a public meeting, implying Seebeck wanted photos of teenage girls when Mr. Seebeck was actually documenting suspected Democratic campaign violations as NJ ELEC had asked him to.

Smeared critic David Schneck in a public meeting 19 days before an election, falsely characterizing  a remark sent in September to this blog by an  anonymous commenter of unknown political affiliation as a “Republican attack” on Doherty’s son.  (The remark attacked Doherty and only mentioned his son.)  Called the remark a “post” rather than a “comment” on his campaign Facebook page and refused to correct commenters who wrongly attributed the remark to Jim Bean or to David Schneck.  Facebook comments that attempted to correct the misinformation were immediately deleted.

Built a boardwalk.


  1. Anonymous wrote:


    Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 7:47 am | Permalink
  2. Eugene Creamer wrote:

    Please add:
    Failed to notify Belmar Taxpayers of tax abatement program in the manner prescribed by law.

    Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 8:29 am | Permalink
  3. Guest wrote:

    The devil is in the details. Thanks for the summary.

    Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 8:33 am | Permalink
  4. linlee wrote:

    Doherty is solely accountable to Belmar residents for all the choices he’s made during his tenure as Mayor. Have his choices and actions enhance our lives and this wonderful community, or have they led us into an era of frustration, economic instability, and repeated grassroots actions (including filed law suits and petitions) previously unknown in this borough? Is there an explanation? Possibly ..

    We are alert and on-guard against behaviors identified as bullying. A bully thrives on skillfully using intimidation and the threat of retribution. A bully has the ability to gather a circle of supporters around him who “yes” his actions, regardless of consequences, and often glean bully imparted benefits in return. A bully uses any and all tactics to achieve his self-serving goals .. power and control. He cuts off communications that may be tinged with criticism, his back goes up when he suspects independent thinking could topple his established status quo. He’s dangerous because he is a bully and he will use whatever intellect, status, and resources he has to end perceived threats. Ethics and a moral compass appear to be absent from his core, so any tactic that meets his needs are used.

    We educate our children to identify and report bullying behaviors. When a bully is identified we take immediate action to end the threat a bully presents to the most vulnerable. Belmar has been and is in a position of vulnerability. Look at the facts, talk with your neighbors, use your VOTE to protect and change our future.

    Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 8:56 am | Permalink
  5. Tulip wrote:

    Thank you very much Admin. Short and sweet.

    Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 9:14 am | Permalink
  6. ORLEY FUDD wrote:

    Never gave that guy Bean any credit for good ideas.

    Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 9:14 am | Permalink
  7. Tom Dilberger wrote:

    Well done Dave.

    Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 1:38 pm | Permalink
  8. Seeing Red wrote:

    Should print this up and spread them out at the dash for cash. Just an idea

    Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 1:47 pm | Permalink
  9. Anonymous wrote:

    None the less it is so important to make people aware of this site. I spoke to two people this morning who didn’t have a clue and hopefully will now visit the site. Maybe a handout with the above on it could do the job. There are alot people who think the last question was the only problem that the Town needed to resolve.

    Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 1:57 pm | Permalink
  10. Cathi De Genova wrote:

    Hand them out Wednesday when the Governor comes to town. Belmar residents didn’t forget his “If I lived in Belmar, I’d vote yes” comment.

    Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 2:25 pm | Permalink
  11. Anonymous wrote:

    CATHI Good idea.

    Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 2:49 pm | Permalink
  12. Belmar Independent wrote:

    Mayor Matt on his Facebook: Matthew Doherty posted on 10/17/2014, “Sad but true. The Republicans and my political opponents in Belmar are out of control.”
    Gee, as an independent who has disagreed with the mayor and has opposed his nonsense, I thought I was just exercising my Constitutional rights. Whose control Matt am I out of? Maybe you could have your buddy (now with a paltry 41% favorable rating) Christopher Christie to call in the National Guard. I say this because the last time I checked (Aug.19) 58% of the town is out of control.

    Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 3:41 pm | Permalink
  13. Anonymous wrote:

    Maybe we should have some anti Christy signs on Wed, since hes only coming for his buddy Matt. Hope results are the same as the last time he interferred in our election process.

    Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 4:47 pm | Permalink
  14. Eugene Creamer wrote:

    You get more bees with honey….
    I just finished sending Governor Christie an email requesting that he endorse Republicans Jim Bean for Mayor & Mike Seebeck for Council……
    Nothing to lose and everything to gain …. give it a try.

    Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 8:53 pm | Permalink
  15. Anonymous wrote:

    The BEAN-SEEBECK supporters should have some of their people with signs to greet Christie on Wed. You can bet Matt will have his people there with signs.

    Sunday, October 26, 2014 at 10:59 am | Permalink
  16. VITO CORLEONE wrote:

    Christie is getting to be a pest.

    Sunday, October 26, 2014 at 11:30 am | Permalink
  17. Cathi De Genova wrote:

    Sent an email suggesting that the Governor not repeat his “If I lived in Belmar I’d vote Yes” comment from the summer. With 20 Coastal Counties in NJ – with almost all having Sandy damage – why is he coming to Belmar on the Anniversary? Is he considering changing parties maybe before he announces he’s running?

    Monday, October 27, 2014 at 7:58 am | Permalink
  18. ANONYMOUS wrote:

    Why not send Christies various email addresses for his political and governmental purposes the excellent summary of why ,if Christie lived in Belmar, he wouldn’t vote for Doherty?

    Monday, October 27, 2014 at 1:25 pm | Permalink
  19. sideliner wrote:

    Maybe Doherty wants a job in Trenton when he loses this election…

    Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at 11:39 am | Permalink

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