That emergency purchase is for repairs to the marina bulkhead. It is for close to $1million.
Poof…just like that several years worth of marina profits are gone.
That emergency purchase is for repairs to the marina bulkhead. It is for close to $1million.
Poof…just like that several years worth of marina profits are gone.
That engineering report should be an interesting read.
Wonderful! ….. the fuel line can be relocated to avoid Chef’s proposed building …. taxpayer bankrolled.
Chef’s patiently waiting for this infrastructure improvement. Thank goodness Matt finally figured out how to do it for them.
The Maclearie Park people must show up and insist the entire bulkhead is repaired. Doing this for Chef’s stinks.
SEA: They tried to screw us with the Lake Como Outflow pipe. Don’t let them royally screw MACLERIE PARK residents when there will be money for the bulkhead this council cycle vs we have no Money for the bulkhead 2 weeks ago. Is the 1m our liability for the entire bulkhead repair or is this just the commercial section of the Marina vs the average Joe who parks his car for free, unloads the picnic fixings and settles down for a family down home kinda day at the waters edge.
Accounting 101: The reserve for future casualties, etc is what we need in place for our future not the profits. Accounting 101. We missed a screaming bullet this past week so let’s be prepared fiscally.
Been reading NJAC Chapter 23, Subchapter
2.32 unsafe structures. I guess it is time to call our construction officer on a daily basis to have him deem the parts of the Maclearie Park bulkhead as unsafe and dangerous.
By now, the construction officer should have the area by the bulhead totally vacated and signs posted as to the danger of collapse. Anyone seen this action at the Marina?
Clearly we need to OPRA a copy of our construction official’s report, notice to vacate, as well as a map showing the “critical areas” designated as unsafe and ready to collapse.
Wasn’t unstable this past summer with thousands of people walking , drinking, running, dancing , etc.?
After the Judge’s decision as to the Beach Utility Fund proportion of responsibility verses the taxpayers’ share it should be announced on the Belmar Code Blue system. Taxpayers need to know how much debt will be incurred to build the pavilions before the referendum on the November ballot.
Belmar has a “code blue system”. Good to know their killing me.
Seems like you would be able to barrier off the part of the bulkhead referenced and then bid it out. Dare I say, maybe get it done cheaper. If it’s fenced off there is no immediate danger. Marina bulkhead “and” fuel line ? If the fuel isn’t flowing is it still an emergency ?
Knowing what they know (Belmar) about the condition of this bulkhead — Is it the same pier the “Beer on the Pier” event was held on back on 9/26/15?
Maybe something to talk about tomorrow.
Where is the 2014 Audit? Do we have to wait a year for it? Think that is ridiculous but then I am just a resident and have no idea what I am talking about. (being sarcastic) Primarily concerned about Auditor’s finding of 2013-3 that adequate funding should be in place prior to commitment of an ordinance, and yet there are still deficits, according to Auditor, noted in some areas (departments/utilities). This was a recommendation in the 2013 Audit that I happened to see on the Borough Website. I am. by no means, a financial wizard, but sure makes sense to me. Don’t do, if you don’t know, if you have the money to pay for it, whether it be grants or residents. We have a right to know. Simple common sense by this Accountant, plus, no doubt, Law. My dollars, your dollars, it’s our dollars. Respect that Belmar officials. Think before you act. Just because we live here, at the Jersey Shore, doesn’t mean that a quart of milk and loaf of bread doesn’t mean less to us to purchase than someone living elsewhere. Wake up and smell the salt sea air.
take a breath and wait for the report on the overall condition with this being primary concern.
I believe the bulkhead they are talking about is directly in front of the marina building. This bulkhead was repaired between 5 and 10 years ago. I haven’t seen any change in the condition since the repair. In my opinion, the repair is for aesthetics rather than actual damage since the bulkhead has a bow in it and will be in front of the new Chefs building. As far as the bond for $1 million to repair the bulkhead, In my opinion, the bond is so high as to pay for other items at the marina that Chefs is not paying for. For example, moving the electrical utilities for gas pumps for the emergency vehicles, removing old fuel tanks, repaving the last portion of the marina parking lot…
So far there is no bond for it. A bond would require an ordinance. Maybe one’s coming.
Again!!! The borough engineer cannot under the NJ Code used cannot “state” or in anyway deem the portion of bulkhead as unsafe. This must be done by the municipal construction officer, who is responsible for enforcing the codes. The area vacated and posted by said code official.
Didn’t Sandy destroy the bulkhead and the businesses that were located at the marina? were those businesses reimbursed for their casualties? Did they the landowner or buainess get insurance coverage after restoring what they loss even if there is an unsafe condition that the Borough is allowing to exist?
#18 …. Correct …. unsafe structures are the purview of the municipal Construction Official per the NJ Uniform Construction Code.
The Borough Engineer should contact the CO.
Does chef international get everything they want ? geez
Liquor license transfer and a new building to be open year round with no license ? Just a town created permit ?
So Chef’s bought Connolly Station and their license is easily transferred to the new owner. I believe his name is Bob Cooper. But 507 license owners wait one year to transfer their license to a location close to another Chef’s establishment. Something is fishy and not just because it’s close to the marina
Is Redevelopment attorney Northgrave advising the borough on the 507/Loko Year old liquor license transfer and phase one and two construction site?
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