From Politicker NJ:
More than 500 people attended the Dems’ Hall of Fame Awards at the Waterview Pavillion in Belmar on Friday night. The sold-out event had attendees sitting on the second floor of the crowded venue.
Dozens of other local mayors and councilmembers joined as County Democratic Chairman Vin Gopal introduced their Freeholder candidate in his hometown, Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty, who is set to kickoff his campaign on Thursday.
They sold over 500 tickets? What’s the capacity of that place?
Gee …. if the Borough had a clubhouse pavilion …. it would be a lot cheaper than the Waterview …. just like the Mayor’s Ball at Pyanoe Plaza.
No way, there’s no parking at the 5th Avenue Pavilion site now even without a pavilion on winter weekends
Support your small businesses they they make a small community cohesive. Bigger boxes don’t make the gift better.
Is that Tom Burke in the background?
Guess there was no dancing at the dinner-dance.
#4. I am 75% sure councilman that it is either El Chapo or Mike Seebeck. I never could tell the difference.
#6 That was nasty. I know I’m taking two aspirins and going to bed
Since he’s one of Barbara’s Boys maybe the Party will give him as much support as the gave her against Chris
Where was Dawn Zimmer?
In the past 12 months, you have a greater chance of seeing Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop in Belmar than in Jersey City. All I can say is, Fritz the budget reading cat for Governor.
JC Senior free bus rides and Beach to Belmar. See if they charter a bus for them to come down for the parade this year?
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