APP has a Paul Williams story about the lawsuit:
According to Williams:
When asked if the lawsuit will muddle any fundraising efforts for his freeholder campaign because of the possibility of the town reverting back to the old restrictions, Doherty said the previous pay-to-play law is invalid because Rivera also found it was never filed with the secretary of state. He added that the lawsuit will have “zero” bearing on fundraising for his campaign.
“The previous pay-to-play law was never filed with the state, so it was never even enforced, so there were no contributions ever excluded,” he said. “Clearly, it was never properly filed and it wasn’t enforceable.”
Pringle said the case has been assigned to Superior Court Judge Katie A. Gummer. Initial arguments will be heard on Monday.
I guess even the old law, before it was eviscerated by the passage of 2016-1 and long before Ramon Rivera’s legal opinion of it was ever sought, also had zero bearing.
It’s a little weird how “and Immen” was added into the Doherty donation. Anyway, you can click on either image to open the report and see who the donors were. (Unions, D’Jais, committees, etc)
We won’t know about all the funds raised from previously forbidden (and, according to the lawsuit, still forbidden) sources until Doherty and Fulton file their 29-Day pre-election report or reports next month but we did happen onto this one:
BTW, the Magovern/Blackburn campaign has started taking committee money too:
Don’t want to assume. Will atty Rivera be arguing for the defendants? Or wil it be another law firm?
Matt talks a good game but that is about it. Doesn’t matter what lawyer he uses. He will lose again. Notice he didn’t even use the word frivolous. Even he knows he will lose again.
The kick-off event expenditures on the Belmar Dems report should have been listed as a contribution to other candidates or committees and then Magovern-Blackburn should be listed. Magovern is then required to show an “in-kind” contribution from the Belmar Dems on his report. To be continued…
Just proves Liberalism is a Mental Disease. They enjoy getting sued and looking like the fools they are.
Who’s next??
#4. Your comment indicates what statistics show. Most psychiatrist are crazy. The defendants are being sued because of civil rights violations. Civil Rights are Liberal-based concepts. Rejecting the petition can never be interpreted as a liberal act.
Belmar elected officials, with ABC powers, are clever at circumventing La Dolce Vita’s seasonal liquor license restrictions….
1. Go to Hanley’s and buy $322 worth of liquor and have it delivered to La Dolce Vita.
2. Pay La Dolce Vita staff $200 gratuity to serve the booze.
Yes …. I’ve heard of B.Y.O.B. …. “Bring Your Own Bottle” …. but, “Bring Your Own BottleS” (B.Y.O.Bs.) is new to me.
Planet Belmar
Most are crazy where did you get that idea??
My comment was not on the basis of the suit it was the fact they keep doing the same things over and over that a Judge ruled improper. What normal person wants to be sued, let alone numerous times?
Name one municipality that has been sued numerous times for the same violations.
Did I hear the guy from Chefs bought the mayor Matt house ? Hmm
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#9. Did you hear that? As far as I know, Bob Cooper is still living happily in his Marconi Road, Wall Twp. home. Their home in Wall is not for sale. What did you hear?
Magovern has enlarged his “wiggle room” to include Blackburn – cute but sneaky, however now it is clear that these officials are integrity challenged. Any more lessons about getting around the rules?
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