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Monthly Archives: September 2010

Think I Can’t Win? Think Again.

From Rasmussen Reports: Sixty-eight percent (68%) of U.S. voters prefer a smaller government with fewer services and lower taxes to a more active one that offers more services and higher taxes. That’s the second highest finding in Rasmussen Reports surveying on the question since November 2006, exceeded only by a 70% finding in August of […]

Unsustainable Tyranny

You might not be paying much attention to the “sustainable growth” people but they certainly are paying attention to you and they don’t approve of what they see.  You have not been behaving properly even after all their pleas and advice.  You live in a single family house.  It’s too big.  It’s not insulated enough.  You […]

This Week’s Ad

Sorry the quality is not good on this.  Not sure what I did wrong.  I hope it looks better in the paper tomorrow.

A “Better Belmar”? Let’s Look At The Belmar Of 2000.

If I had my druthers I would take the Belmar of 2000 over the Belmar we have today.  Ten years ago my taxes were less than 60% of what I pay today.  I could smoke on the beach without being hassled.  I didn’t have to come to a full stop at every *!!#*! intersection.  We hadn’t yet invited […]

Who’ll Say “No More” To The Public Worker Unions?

Amity Shlaes in Saturday’s Wall Street Journal: This weekend we celebrate Labor Day in a country divided between two kinds of workers. The first is the private-sector worker, the vulnerable one who rides the business cycle without shock absorbers. The second worker, who works for the government, lives a cushioned existence in which terminations take […]

New “Comments” Settings

I changed the settings for comments.  I didn’t realize that the default settings were requiring name and email to leave a comment.  I don’t want that.  It’s fine with me if you want to post a comment anonymously and without contact info.  I think this is the reason I haven’t been getting many comments despite the […]

Same Old (D) vs Same Old (R)

Go to their “issues” pages here and here.  They are vague and they are interchangeable.  This is because their governing philosophies are pretty much the same.  Get as much money as you can from whatever source you can.  Tax tax tax.  Fee Fee Fee.  Beg for money from the county (us).  Beg for money from the […]

Election High Jinks In Belmar

There was some high drama at Wednesday’s council meeting when Belmar Democratic Chairman Luis Pulido revealed that someone working on behalf of the Republicans had gained control of the web addresses “” and “ ” so they could redirect people looking for “” to the Republicans’ web site.  Pulido also pointed out that the Republican site only uses […]