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Monthly Archives: June 2016


If the U.K. can leave the E.U., can N.H. leave the U.S.?   Not likely but if secession movements like this become popular enough maybe it will pressure the federal government to start respecting some of constitutional limits on its authority.  One thing I can guarantee is that the N.H. independence movement will grow and […]

Lake Como Project Gets DCA Approval..

Public comment period is started.

Belmar Getting Sandy High Water Mark Signs

Not sure I would want one of these near my house.

Dem Events At D’Jais, IBEW


In The Skies Over Belmar….

“Instrument Rated” Pringle gets new wings, survives drone attack! Where did it come from?

Christie Finally Doing Something About Fair School Funding….

But where was he 5 years ago when I needed him?  

Beachgoers Denied Spots Around Schroeder Park Last Sunday

Police save prime spots for wedding guests at Belmar Fishing Club Who’s wedding was it?  They sure must have pull! This is being discussed in the comments.  Here is a photo a reader sent of the police gathering the cones after the event.

Made It!

Will They Come Back?…..

Court Orders Belmar:

Give Joy the documents, pay her legal costs.