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4,620 New State Laws

That’s right. 4620. That’s how many new laws are on the dock for the 2010-2011 legislative session. That’s actually down from previous years when the total ran into the 8000s. Obviously not all will be passed. I would like to see none of them passed. See the full list here

Are things in NJ so wild and untamed that we need 4620 new laws to control us? This is insane. I don’t know if I would want a total of 4620 laws in the entire country. We need to start electing people who will promise to not only to not make any new laws, but to start repealing a large portion of the laws we already have.

Think about it. Thirty years ago (which was probably more than 25,000 laws ago) was life so terrible here? Would anyone describe the New Jersey of 1980 as chaotic or ungoverned? I don’t exactly remember it as being like the wild west.

Let’s go back. Let’s hit the re-set button. Repeal every law created since 1980. It was a better state then.

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