The $4.3 million number was a mistake. It’s $4.1 million.
It can’t be built any cheaper than that.
They were only joking about the $1 million engineering cost.
We’re working on getting more money from FEMA.
If they lose they will probably bring it back next year.
Anyone who opposes it is either misinformed or is trying to get me elected to the council.
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I will vote NO. Again.
Claire “how can we get the message out to the residents?” LOL, give me a break. Please!! This project will not get enough votes to pass and the council + mayor need to rethink their strategy on making this project less expensive so the tax payers don’t have to fund it. We need to use what is made available from fema and call it a day…
Last night, Nick DeCotiis, our engineer stated the cost to redesign would be an astronomical $25,000 ( .000164% of the total bond ). Let’s look at that. Last year, with all the opposition, the mayor and council voted to hold a “special election” costing the taxpayers $17,000. The Belmar Democrats spent approximately $30,000. to win the special election. Right there that’s $47,000. wasted to flex their political muscle and show the voters who is boss.
Last night at the meeting some guy sitting in front of me said cost per square ft. does not matter. After I picked up my brains off the floor after my head exploded I thought about it. I immediately started a search for a used car where model year does not matter, this could be a good thing I thought until I found none. That idiot has no conception of engineering and wouldn’t know a differential equation if it hit him in the face. $4.1 million divided by 7000 Sq. ft. (I.m being generous with this sq.ft. #) equals $585 per sq. ft.
That is some beautiful building. We have the Maser documents it doesn’t add up folks.
Councilman Magovern was so positive and enthusiastic about the over 3 million that has been generated for the beach. His biggest selling point being all the money that came in from outside Belmar takes the burden off the residents to pay for our ( beach) operating expenses.
Legally, we have a beach untility not comingled with our Belmar operating account. Get more money in sales it offsets expenses in the Beach Utility. When you have more coming in then going out ( Brian never said what this year’s expenses are) you have a surplus in the beach utility.
If we have any burden to the residents, we have a lawsuit.
The beach is so “successful” that resident taxpayers can’t even cross their streets, let alone find a place to sit by the water.
Love, love, love the summary.
Currently, properties surrounding Silver Lake enjoy unobstructed eastern vistas (except for the temporary tent) …. the proposed pavilion would be about 4 or 5 times higher than the tent …. spoiling the view …. and property values.
Manasquan refused $3+M in FEMA dune funds to preserve property values …. Belmar doesn’t seem to care.
At minute 55:25 prior to his vote, Mad Matt repeats his talking point for the past 2 years. “This is pure politics”
Republicans want to use this as a wedge issue-they are devisive. He is confident that it is a bipartisan referendum issue. Well, I have read the Belmar Democratic Committee facebook, can anticipate that they will outspend the zero dollars spent to drive an opposing view by the Belmar Republican Committee by tens of thousands of dollars. Classic but again failed strategy, create an enemy and blame them for playing politics. Yeh, like we are all stupid!
Belmar Guy-#2-No worries-the power of determination has always worked for me-there are many ways to communicate-phone, e-mail, letters…..all of the obivous ways-get your heead out from under a rock-Belmar, Guy, I think you’re one of my biggest fans! The messages were loud and clear last evening-the presentation was superb-and, as you heard, people/residents want the pavilions back-did you notice the support from last night’s audience? Thanks for noticing my statements-
We didn’t even bother wasting our breath with these people. The only things they listen to are lawsuits, petitions and referendums.
Listening to Mark Fitzgerald’s argument about the “democratic process” and how the majority of voters voted this mayor and council in therefore go with their decisions, reminded me of Monmouth Superior Court Fall 2013. Edelman & Grau v Belmar Borough. Belmar redevelopment attorney William Northrop tried that argument unsuccessfully in front of Judge Lawson as to why the Judge should not consider the plaintiffs arguments against the beachfront being an area for redevelopment. The argument didn.t work or now. Long live the Republic.
Why did they even give us the right to petition if we are supposed to just blindly follow our leaders?
Vote, vote, vote. Don’t bolt. Dolts do not relate to the historical data. Just strutting
Can anyone tell me if matt answered burkes question about the previous 1 mill? Did we pay it? Matt said it was for all the buildings two story and
Redesign one story. Yet 500 thousand “soft” cost also included architecture design and engineering. Is that additional? I find myself more confused then ever
Katrina: As we all know ask a specific question-can a story and not a specific answer. Eventually Burke stated the 1 million dollar plus engineering ( design, architectural ect costs were already paid. The answer was some have been paid. A good follow up would have been, “how much is some”. My question would have been :”how come Maser’s “soft cost” for two pavilions went from $650,000. in Nov. 2013 to over $1,000,000. in April 2014 ?
#5. If as reported on this blog in April, would’nt the $925,000. settlement for Birdsall receivables eliminate any surplus in the Beach Utility account ?
Can anyone get us the beach operation costs for 2015?
Note at the bottom of the Rebuild the Pavilions page there is a link (just for fun) of two old Belmar pavilions (Sanborn’s Pavilion & Gordon’s Pavilion) Where are they now? What happened to them? Why would another $4 million structure not also be a thing of the past , eventually….
Interesting – Where are they now? Page 2 & 3
So the mayor is aware he’s suppose to be running the meetings, and he showed he does know a little about Robert’s Rules of Order! Claire is still inappropriately clapping at public comment, and the rules only apply to certain people! Unbelievable!
#20-Why are you scolding me for clapping when most of the people in the audience were doing the same? Why can’t people applaud when they agree with what they see and hear? At the next meeting go to the microphone and state your case-then ask Chief Palmisano to have me removed….do you know how assinine you sound? Go ahead-file a formal complaint about me with Roberts Rules of Order about me…Love the scrutiny I receive on this blog
#20-Your comment is about a small mind and a small person…WOW! This criticism takes the cake! Roberts Rules can’t help you-you need someone to sit you down and tell you how ridiculous you sound-and, by the way….(#11)
how cowardly…..for using intials…..and not your name-I’ve been to MANY meetings in my life-school board meetings throughout the county-other council meetings in other towns…EVERYONE claps when something good happens-or is being stated-the very idea that you’re singling me out for clapping is not only ridiculous-it’s showing a mind that has very little to think about-PLEASE come to the microphone at the next meeting and complain when I clap-I’d love to see this-and bring your Roberts Rules book with you…
Mark Fitzgerald should stop spreading false information and using scare tactics about the Taylor Pavilion. The FUNDING is what is up for vote, NOT whether or not the pavilion will be built. Does he really know everyone in town, what their profession is and how they feel about the pavilion?
Qualifying and receiving are two totally different circumstances. The 5th Avenue pavilion reconstruction must pass muster in order to “receive” any reimbursement. It’s after the fact that we have bond performance obligations.
Well, it’s time. put the pedal to the metal. start the 10th Avenue safety building September 8,2015. Utterly disingenuous to hold that building hostage like the outfa)l pipe Again. No excuses mayor. do the town a favor and GET THE 10TH DONE.
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