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Economy? In Government?

“One of the greatest favors that can be bestowed upon the American people is economy in government.”

Calvin Coolidge, 1924


Cal sure wasn’t talking about Belmar.  It’s becoming apparent, at least to me, that no one here even knows what “economy in government” is.  Can anyone out there give me one example of our current administration economizing on anything of any significance?  …………….. Didn’t think so.

But there’s plenty of examples here of extravagance in government.

Of course there’s all the no-bid, no-vote, rush, rush, rush contracts.  We all know about those.  But there’s so much more.

For example, when our old Crown Victoria police cars were damaged in the flood, our insurance paid us for used Crown Victorias.  What did we replace them with?  Impalas?  Chargers?  (Crown Vics are no longer being made.)  No, we bought brand-new Tahoes at a cost of over $90,000 each!  Remember, this is Belmar, not Buffalo.  It doesn’t snow much here.  And actually, Tahoes make terrible police cars.  They are dangerous for the drivers because they tend to roll over, especially during emergency maneuvers.  And they cost a lot more to run and maintain than regular sedans.  You know we could have bought Tahoes back when we bought our Crown Vics.  Even though we weren’t so deeply in debt then, somebody chose to buy the less expensive Crown Vics.  But that was when we actually cared about our budget.

As a matter of fact, the Democrats’ campaign slogan for 2013 ought to be “Don’t worry, FEMA will pay for it, and if not, hey, interest rates are low.”

Of course FEMA is not going to pay for all of it.  Neither will our insurance.  We who plan to stay in Belmar for many years will be paying for many years for the tens of millions in bonds this government has sold.  We will be paying higher taxes and we will be paying in the form of reduced property values because of the high taxes.

And much of what is in these bonds is highly questionable.  Ted Ehman, Belmar’s volunteer budget sleuth, has uncovered all sorts of strange things in the recent bonds.

Here is the make-up of the $1.8 million bond passed Wednesday night.  It was one of two bonds passed Wednesday that together total $3.5 million.  The far right column are the items Mr Ehman thinks are suspicious.

Date check # Purchase type Amount Total Credits
      11/8/12 Gas cans $360 $360
      11/9/12 Generstor fuel $14,538 $14,898
      11/9/12 Eye Med Pete Sykes $140 $15,038
    11/12/12 Rental 16′ Box truck $300 $15,338
11/12/12 Garden State Voice & Data $6,000 $21,338
11/13/12 Reimburse Food Wegman’s $677 $22,015
11/13/12 Reimburse Auto Fuel $105 $22,120
11/13/12 Reimburse Boots/Waders $1,541 $23,661
11/14/20112 Seacoast Chevrolet Silverado $43,414 $67,075 $43,414
11/14/12 Seacoast Chevrolet Silverado $36,099 $103,174 $36,099
11/14/12 Seacoast Chevrolet Silverado $43,149 $146,323 $43,149
11/13/12 Reimburse Pizza $471 $146,794
11/19/12 Reimburse Wedding Band M.Campbel $1,600 $148,394 $1,600
11/19/12 Reimburse Vests & Gloves $622 $149,016
11/15/12 New Sciff/Boat $17,195 $166,211
11/19/12 Drysuits & Dive Equip. $8,032 $174,243
11/28/12 PetroKing Fuel $1,216 $175,459
11/12/12 Atomic Electrical Repairs $78,525 $253,984
11/12/12 Repairs Jim Alburtus Ford Tahoe $3,514 $257,498 $3,514
11/12/2012- A&P Food $3,658 $261,156
11/12/12 Home Depot-Emergency Lights $7,100 $268,256
11/13/12 Ice for Emergency Responders $200 $268,456
11/1/12 PVC Cards,Ribbons-Alpha Card $632 $269,088
11/122012 Food & Supplies, Evacuees-Costco $3,950 $273,038
11/12/12 Bleach,Gloves Perishables $17,390 $290,428
11/12/12 New Police Vehicles $282,757 $573,185 $282,757
Dec-12 December Office Supplies-Staples $1,113 $574,298
11/8/12 Portable Toilets $3,256 $577,554
11/8/12 Vacuum Cleaner, Bags $255 $577,809
11/2/12 Storage Trailer Rental $3,550 $581,359
11/12/12 Signs, Gloves other perishables $8,416 $589,775
11/2/12 2 Open Roll Off Containers Rental $8,033 $597,808
11/14/12 Pont Bay Fuel Oil $3,192 $601,000 $3,192
11/15/12 Rental Front End Loader $2,750 $603,750
11/15/12 Generator $2,050 $605,800
11/15/12 Hand Pump $41 $605,841
11/15/12 Emergency Lighting $384 $606,225
12/5/12 Removal of Equip. from Police Cars $5,422 $611,647 $5,422
11/15/12 Marpal Disposal Tipping Fees $13,332 $624,979
11/9/12 Simple Green $5,575 $630,554
12/14/12 Electrical Marina $6,270 $636,824 $6,270
Dec.2012 Jaeger Lumber Dec. Supplies $6,915 $643,739
12/26/12 Petro King $2,506 $646,245
12/26/12 Assorted Fresh Fruit $1,430 $647,675
1/4/13 General Payroll $90,436 $738,111
1/18/12 General Payroll $97,839 $835,950 $86,295
1/4-12/28 Police Payrolls $278,782 $1,114,732 $274,625
Dec.2012 Fuel For Marina $3,363 $1,118,095 $3,363
1/30/13 Inlet-Outlet Surfer Wetsuits Gloves $11,890 $1,129,985
1/30/13 Dept. Public Works $3,824 $1,133,809
1/30/13 Fuel for DPW $12,619 $1,146,428 $12,619
2/8/13 Truck Rental $2,644 $1,149,072
2/8/13 Leased Van $200 $1,149,272
2/8/13 Servpro- Public Restrooms $20,965 $1,170,237
11/19/12 Rest. Refrigeration Equiop $2,700 $1,172,937
11/20/12 Divers Two- Drysuits, Dive Equip. $3,767 $1,176,704
12/7/12 Repairs Fuel Injection $1,521 $1,178,225
Oct-12 Garden State Voice & Data $4,940 $1,183,165 $4,940
Nov-12 Lettering New Vehicles $2,379 $1,185,544
Dec-12 Gasoline Shipment-Marina $98,575 $1,284,119 $98,575
11/1/12 Pick Up Truck Rental $4,788 $1,288,907
10/2012-12 Taylor Hardware Supplies $7,657 $1,296,564 $5,906
11/13/12 Electrical Repairs Labor $7,498 $1,304,062
11/12/12 Fire Equipment $40,929 $1,344,991
11/13/12 Chain Saws $2,838 $1,347,829
11/8/12 Pizza $315 $1,348,144
11/13/12 Food for Volunteers $1,336 $1,349,480
11/13/12 Police Vests $324 $1,349,804
11/13/12 Palettes of Ice $14,000 $1,363,804
Nov-12 Miscellaneous $492 $1,364,296
Miscellaneous $15,707 $1,380,003
Miscellaneous $196 $1,380,199
Miscellaneous $232 $1,380,431
Jan-13 Paint For Barricades $112 $1,380,543 $112
Dec-12 Fuel For Generators $974 $1,381,517
11/5/12 Thermal Imaging Cameras $42,753 $1,424,270
11/28/12 DKI Mitigation Services Marina $44,950 $1,469,220
11/14/12 DKI Mitigation Library $21,500 $1,490,720
11/15/12 Fisherman’s Den- Boots $2,042 $1,492,762
Oct-12 Edwards Tires $5,227 $1,497,989 $5,227
11/2/12 Snap On Industrial $8,163 $1,506,152
11/2/12 DPW, Rainsuits, Gas Caddy ect $4,146 $1,510,298
11/2/12 Ice Kinf 7 palletes of Ice $3,500 $1,513,798
11/2/12 Barriers Hwy 40 $15,815 $1,529,613
11/1/12 Driscoll Foods Bereridges DPW $5,943 $1,535,556
12-Nov Car Rwental M.Thompson $98 $1,535,654
11/12-1/13 Car Rental Daniel Schlissermam $3,380 $1,539,034
11/12-1/13 Car Rental M Dahronge $3,380 $1,542,414
11/12-1/13 Car Rental M.Spagnuolo $1,515 $1,543,929
11/9/12 Freehold Dodge- Fire Vechicle Repair $2,500 $1,546,429
11/1-11/28 Goodwin Pump entals $16,146 $1,562,575
Marpal Disposal $11,400 $1,573,975 11,400
Petro King Veeder Root $29,157 $1,603,132 29,157
11/14/12 Petro King-Gas Dispenser $31,617 $1,634,749 31,617
11/14/12 Petro King Diesel Dispenser $31,356 $1,666,105 31,356
Roof Repairs Fire House $2,700 $1,668,805 2,700
Roof Repairs 3rd Ave. Garage $19,645 $1,688,450 19,645
Roof Repairs Hook & Ladder $2,700 $1,691,150 2,700
Marine Docks & Ramp Repairs $12,200 $1,703,350 12,200
Res 2013-76 13th Ave. Garage Roof Repairs Bid $120,228 $1,823,578 $120,228
2/4/13 Radar for New Police Cars $11,726 $1,835,304 11,726
3/12/13 Replace Hardware Police Vehicles $32,466 $1,867,770 32,466
3/12/13 Computer Mounts-Police Vehicles $14,447 $1,882,217 14,447

Many of them, like payroll, seem to be normal operating expenses, which are not bondable.  Others, like the wedding ring (the town was paid back after Ehman uncovered the expenditure), are just plain weird.  In all, Mr Ehman has questions about $1.2 million of the $1.8 million spent in this bond.  If anyone has a question about what Mr. Ehman found strange about any lines that he highlighted, leave a comment and I will get you the answer.


  1. guest wrote:

    How does something like replacing a wedding band get on the books as a municiple expense in the first place? Who is reviewing these expenses? Trade-in the Tahoes.

    Friday, April 19, 2013 at 2:45 pm | Permalink
  2. guest wrote:

    My previous comment should have read “municipal.” Please excuse the typo. I wish I could say that the $1.2M bond figure was a typo.

    Friday, April 19, 2013 at 2:48 pm | Permalink

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