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Highlights Of Doherty’s 11-Day Report

Currently up on the ELEC website.

1$19,000 for this reporting period, $2750 of it in checks of under $300.  Those donors don’t need to be reported to the state but they do need to be reported to the Borough.  They haven’t been.  Also this entire report is supposed to be up on the Borough website.  It isn’t.

2Foster and Gopal are Vice-Chair and Chair of the Monmouth Dems.

Blue Victory is a small PAC funded mostly by a few engineering companies.

A pass through from former Bayonne mayor, Mark Smith.

3IBEW are reliable contributors.

Block by Block provides various downtown community support services for municipalities.

Jason O’Donnell, a former assemblyman, has also held several public jobs in Bayonne.  Currently he’s a Kivvit guy and drowning lady saver.

I guess Mr. Moran is related to Maggie.

4Doherty’s Bayonne buddies Bill Young and Steve Gallo.

Field Strategies does campaign and advocacy services for unions, left wing organizations and candidates.

5Switchboard Communications provides campaign communication services.

Couldn’t find anything on this Bryan L. Stewart except that he gave $2500 to Martin O’Malley last year.

6Sue Fulton also lists a $775 in-kind contribution from Mr. Rosen, also for food for the same event.

I’m thinking of joining the Democrats.  They eat better.

78Have to go to work now.  Have a good day everybody.


  1. A Voter 2 wrote:

    All the money in the world will not get him to be Freeholder. Monmouth County voters are not Belmar voters.Clare and her gang have no influence in other Municipalities,Maybe she can rent a van and drop off seniors and Djais workers to knock on doors.

    Thursday, June 2, 2016 at 11:09 am | Permalink
  2. Dist.3 Republican wrote:

    Speaking of Election Laws, I just got a 4 color mailer : “Vote for Change.” Burke & Dirk. Unfortunately the mailer ( in violation of NJ Elect. failed to disclose who paid for the campaign literature/mailing.
    Considering that they are both in the mayor’s pocket, I will assume that Matt and the Dems paid for it, thus the failure to disclose its source via funding. While I am on the subject, since this is elder Burke’s 4th campaign, is there a “reasonable” reason for his failure to file his contribution reports as also required?

    Thursday, June 2, 2016 at 3:07 pm | Permalink
  3. Tom Burke wrote:

    Dist.3 Republican is incorrect about a “Paid for by” not being on a letter sent by Dirk Reitsma. Just another fabrication of the real truth from some people in that section of town.

    Thursday, June 2, 2016 at 3:50 pm | Permalink
  4. Bill Straus wrote:

    Hey Dist 3 Rep I got the same mailer, you are correct. I think I’ll vote for the other man is Dist 3 running against Dark, after all he has the same name as me!

    Thursday, June 2, 2016 at 7:23 pm | Permalink
  5. Anonymous wrote:

    Wow, Tom Burke speaks and the true Tom Burke comes out. “from some people in THAT SECTION OF TOWN”. Sounds like a man that may want to divide a town and not UNITE it and bring us all together.

    Thursday, June 2, 2016 at 8:42 pm | Permalink
  6. Nucky wrote:

    Nucky knows how to con people into believing that he has your best interest at heart. Remember when he used prohibition to run rum and speaks all over the land? Made many poor souls blind and feeble but they did vote you know.

    Thursday, June 2, 2016 at 10:45 pm | Permalink

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