In today’s Coast Star the candidates talk about Belmar’s transparency issues:
The candidates from the parties get their names introduced in all caps:
But to the independent they won’t even afford one stinking capital letter:
I knew as an independent the tables would be slanted against me but this is ridiculous.
Did The Coast Star acknowledge DAVE SCHNECK’s contribution in saving BELMAR TAXPAYERS millions of dollars that would without his intervention be foolishly spent by Jennifer and the mayor on matt’s 4.1 million dollar pavillion?
NOOOO…i mean noooo
Burke and Nicolay add insult to injury. Let me explain. A very Long time ago..Sept.1 of this year, there was a regularly scheduled council meeting. Meaning that Ms. Nicolay who did not attend and the mayor who left 10 minutes into an important 2 hour hearing, knew of the meeting in December of 2014. Burke talks about the open meeting and hearings but fail to remember Sept. 1,2015 when Nicolay and the mayor chose to not listen.
I’ve done the same thing. When you think caps lock is on you just type all lowercase. Of course, that’s usually after I’ve had an ANIMAL afternoon at DJais BAYBAY
#4-Djais sucks and is a pool full of corruption and dirty laundry.. I wouldn’t drink at that place even if they offered me a free open bar.. That place needs to go away and close.
Macy’s vs Gimbel’s, Yankees vs Mets. 2 powerful news medIA titans, Schneck vs Star News Group papers (The Coast Star). Dave is at least SO Confident and comfortable in his own shoes, that he correctly posts the riva) media’s logo in their proper format. Just plain respectful, I’m reckoning.
You have done so much hard work on this blog to bring the truth to the people of Belmar. That will be remembered on election day.
Priorities are askew here now, too much conniving, not enough honesty
Convivial conniving that’s all you get from “my administration”, “my mayor”. My, my, my self serving connolly
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