“If you look at the history, there have been three petitions. This is the fourth [petition] and a law suit, and every one of them, the petitioners won and the lawsuit went against the municipality,” said Patricia Corea of Ocean Avenue, a member of the Committee of Petitioners,
“The mayor and council are not listening to their citizens, they are disregarding our wishes and it’s a shame we have to file petitions and lawsuits for the mayor and council to do the right thing for the taxpayers,” she said.
“The amount of money [for the Taylor Pavilion], is the exact same, plans have not changed at all,” said Katrina Clapsis, member of the Committee of Petitioners. “Our hope against all hope is that they will rescind the bond ordinance because we don’t want to spend any more money. We’re in this because we are concerned over our debt in Belmar.”
“I think they’ve gone ahead and done exactly what the voters voted down last year,” said Michael Seebeck, a resident who helped gather signatures for the petition. “I think we can accomplish building a pavilion for the needs of the community for significantly less than proposed.”
Seebeck said he believes the $1 million engineering fee charged by Red Bank-based Maser Consulting for both pavilions is too high. “Our communities north and south of us have built pavilions for $1 million,” he said.
The $2.9 million cost is enough to rebuild at FEMA hurricane standards. We just need to tell our engineers to make it smaller like it was before. If we cannot rebuild with $2.9 million it should not be rebuilt, as residents will bear the tax burden. If it cannot be rebuilt with $2.9 million, it will be the fault of the mayor and council. Spending $4.1 million to build one pavilion is not acceptable, and borrowing to overbuild is irresponsible.
Joy DeSanctis
Riggi, who was released from federal prison in November 2012 after serving time for racketeering and murder, died at his home in Edison on Monday, his family said.
While known for his of charity and his involvement with the Police Athletic League, it was his tight grip on Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA) Local 394 of Elizabeth that enabled him to shake down contractors, dispense jobs, and force companies to deal with mob-connected suppliers and businesses, said law enforcement officials.
Aspirins don’t help anymore. This is going to take a prescription from my Dr.
I think there needs to be a petition to remove this mayor,the deception and unethical manner of running or ruining Belmar, the lawsuits to stop the shenanigans does not seem to end unless he is removed.
Matt Doherty,
While known for his of charity and his involvement with the Police Athletic League, it was his tight grip on Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA) Local 394 of Belmar that enabled him to shake down contractors, dispense jobs, and force companies to deal with mob-connected suppliers and businesses, said law enforcement officials.
hey, it still makes sense.
#3 “…said law enforcement officials.” Would you please clarify what officials, when, under what circumstances.
#2 Had Enough, Start the petition! Don’t make suggestions for others to do the work!
Give it time…..
and there is no Local 394 of Belmar.
Your funny bone might be voting for the wrong person. Just FYI…What makes it funny is the little bit of truth in the statement that make everyone feel uncomfortable.
Sleeping with dogs begets fleas
#5 I wish i had the legal knowledge, and was able to go house to house.
I agree with #2, start the petition. Have someone sit on the boardwalk, benches outside library and other public places to get signatures.
Ridiculous to spend over $4 million for a pavilion, what will it be made of solid gold?
Blame the Management
Q …. Why were the pavilions so terribly underinsured?
A …. To help freeze Belmar property taxes.
petitions are public records. And a Recall Referendum is on record in Belmar. Just go to borough hall and request a copy from borough clerk.
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