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Less And Less To Celebrate

Today we celebrate American independence, but why?  Why celebrate independence when we’ve thrown away the entire reason for it?

The purpose of our independence was clearly spelled out in the 1776 Declaration.  It wasn’t because we just thought it would be really cool to have our own country.  It was so that we could live in a free country.  Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness and all that.  The whole reason for even having a country was so that it could be a free country.

Can anyone say we live in a free country today?  ………Anyone? …….. Hello? ……….. (I think Chuck Schumer put his hand up back there.)

Please forgive me, but rather than having a national day of celebration, I think we should instead have a national day of mourning for the country we are rapidly losing.



On the lighter side, Mayor Bloomberg reportedly said the word “shit” at yesterday’s weigh-in for the Coney Island hot dog eating contest.  He was referring to the quality of the pun-laced speech written for him for the event. 

I wonder if champs Joey Chestnut or Sonya “The Black Widow” Thomas will be permitted by the mayor to have more than 16 ozs of soda to wash those dogs down with this year.



One more thing.  The great actor Andy Griffith, best know for his role as Sheriff Andy Taylor in the TV series Andy of Mayberry, has died. 

In my mind, the gentle and patient Sheriff Taylor was the perfect cop.  Too bad many departments today behave more like they were run by Barney Fife (on steroids.)


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