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The Agenda

Screen Shot 2016-02-13 at 5.18.36 AMScreen Shot 2016-02-13 at 5.18.51 AM


  1. Resident wrote:

    Am I reading this correctly we are again hiring new employees two this time. The mayor is crazy and paying back on all those favors.

    Saturday, February 13, 2016 at 11:32 am | Permalink
  2. katrina wrote:

    Am I the only resident in Belmar that is totally appalled Dorehty and crew are changing pay to play ordinance to give him access to outside contributions? Please folks. Can you really be ok with that?
    Also what is the second ordinance about?

    Saturday, February 13, 2016 at 8:05 pm | Permalink
  3. admin wrote:

    It’s about businesses’ signs.

    Saturday, February 13, 2016 at 10:48 pm | Permalink
  4. flower power wrote:

    #2 I am sure many are opposed to this self-serving change of the pay-to-play ordinance, but how can the mayor’s pawns be stopped from voting “yes”? Smearing their characters in the media, letters to the editors of NJ newspapers? Publicly pointing out the hypocrisy of each council member? A public demonstration of dissent? Who is willing to be arrested? Something should be done, but what?

    Sunday, February 14, 2016 at 3:32 pm | Permalink
  5. ALLTRUMPEDUP wrote:

    Attend the meeting, get up and get your 5 mins. worth of gripes heard. Don’t be intimidated, you voice is stronger that the four mute puppets. Don’t fear arrest, thanks to Dave’s taping, a Judge can determine whether you are out of line (or due a settlement). And finally gather your friends, families and neighbors and vote these people out. Party affiliation has absolutely no significance on a local level.

    Sunday, February 14, 2016 at 5:15 pm | Permalink
  6. nodee nyall wrote:

    Although the mayor is not breaking the law, there is some type of “abuse of power” – (Abuse of power can also mean a person using the power they have for their own personal gain. From wikipedia, for what that is worth.) Probably not grounds for removal from office but could be a start.

    Sunday, February 14, 2016 at 5:26 pm | Permalink
  7. watchman wrote:

    I hope more spokesmen for the police show up at Tuesday’s meeting to emphasize the tenuous position that the Belmar police may be in, in other words, when may their jobs be in jeopardy to save the borough money.

    Sunday, February 14, 2016 at 9:30 pm | Permalink

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