To those who want to hold my anonymous commenters “accountable” for their opinions (whatever that means), take heart:
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Anonymous comments help people share opinions without worry of retaliation.
Politics is fraught with peril in a small town.
So whenever I say “Claire Deicke” she will know who to go after. Just like the communist Chinese government. Same reason. Same big brother mentality. We will be told by the left that it’s for our own good and it helps protect the folks, or it make people accountable for what they post (think). Remember, everything is a lie that doesn’t match their thinking. Read the follow up posts to this one. I would bet money on it.
It all about controlling the message. If ideas get out that don’t match the rulers, they might be overthrown.
typical FALSE EQUIVALENT being cited by you, a tactic which you are so good at. Comparing your Belmar friends and neighbors that may have a point of disagreement with you as the same as China’s oppressive regime? you should be ashamed of yourself, but that does not seem possible. Be careful of anyone disagreeing with Dave otherwise he will consider you a communist!
Belmar Gal has learned, hopefully, not as directly or as financially as I have.
2014 was a record year for cost to me via retaliation by the Mayor and his administration.
Guest-Anonymous comments have hurt many people on this blog……people who are ill, people who are wrongly accused…..people you were about to undergo surgery….assumptions and this the American way? .You have no conscience..-seems you’re obilivious to this-I don’t wish to “control the message….” if people are honest, they wouldn’t hide behind a fake title…..-you can defend your position in any way that you choose- Dishonesty is not the way to go about things….just like the Communist Chinese Government? ? Negative remarks on this blog have hurt families..innocent people..sign on with your real name..weak-minded people hide behind imaginary names..joining the Communist Party isn’t one of my goals-you are amazing ……you must be a very young person who has no idea about show your immaturity and lack of logic..get some guts……let’s meet and talk it over-I’d love to do this!! What retaliation? do you have the guts to do this? A VERY weak defense for your position…
I must respectfully disagree with you on this. I definitely believe there is retaliation. The people are just being cautious. For them to reveal their identities is ridiculous.
But let me ask you a question. I’ve asked you this before. No matter whether these people reveal their identities or not, do you stand by their right to say what they say? Remember Claire, it doesn’t say freedom of “nice” speech in the 1st Amendment. It just says freedom of speech.
Claire: “The whole idea of boycotting Belmar businesses is really ridiculous. Between this and people complaining about church bells, I wonder if there is something in the water.” A direct quote from the Mayor’s Facebook page. Mocking people on social media is a form of bullying and harassment, and is extremely unprofessional. Unfortunately, this behavior by the Mayor isn’t limited to social media-as can be seen on the video posts of the town meetings. This is a prime example of why people fear retaliation and post anonymously. Though the church has been there for many years, the new computerized, electronic bells were just updated three years ago-replacing the original real bell. One way or another, the new bells changed the quality of life in the neighborhood and the concerns of the residents should have been taken seriously instead of brushed off as nonsense.
Tom-Your points are well-received. However, it’s my sense that the remarks from unidentified individuals are at times meant to discredit the characters of very decent people-maybe it’s just me-I don’t think that’s right-these individuals would never do so using their actual names….sure, if they used their actuall names, and wished to be nasty, then that’s that. I know nothing of retaliation..or when it’s taken place…. But they wouldn’t do so saying who they are-they have to get the bad feelings out of their systems.. whether these thoughts are true or untrue..I know the first amendment guarntees free speech to all-whatever they wish to say-nasty or nice-but I don’t agree-so you and I will have to agree to disagree….Doug didn’t like the remarks posted on this blog about me-that’s a husband’s right-I’m sure you’d feel the same if anyone posted bad stuff about sweet Mary Anne-I only respond when my name is smeared, or if I’m referenced in any way……people have posted things as to what they surmise-jump to conclusions-piece parts of an imagined puzzle wrongfully-they get all screwed up in their heads and then spew venom-they hide under the cloak of anonimity… my opinion it’s a form of cowardice
I wish I had a pseudonym …. they appear to help thwart censorship ….. but, I already have enough usernames and passwords to track …. KISS.
What if a person forgets their name?
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