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Boyoboyoboy – Isn’t it great having Tom Burke on our side?
Tom, there is so much irony regarding Mr. Burke’s comments. Today he posted on his site to go to You-Tube to view is 5 minute speech. This is only possible due to Dave Schneck’s videotaping and uploading to You-Tube the tape of his speech. There is also the very disturbing truth that both he and the mayor are still referring to the ballot challenges in Belmar as voter suppression after the brief filed by the State’s attorney general
disputing that and explaining the error in interpretation of the law. Burke thus is again advocating for political convenience versus law and joins the ranks of the lawless administration.
#2 Well said
Again …. the M&C passed a legally faulted Marina Bulkhead Resolution …. contrary to the advice of a knowledgeable Rhode Island Point resident.
ON THE RECORD, go to the tape….Borough’s Administrator prepared the interpretation statement for the ballot question.
The Mayor received his administrators work product, reviewed and sent Mrs. connelly’s interpretation statement to DuPont. Where are the transmittal records from A to B to C and then the final communication to the BOE?
I found very unsettling the mayor response concerning the 2013 marina bond
specifics now to be used for “another emergency”. He went on record that any specifics regarding the financing of the $900,000 were irrelevant.
I find it hard to believe we had $900,000 just laying around.
Just a quick question. Claire and her husband live in the same household, right? I thought it was only 1 vote per address and not multiple. Correct me if I’m wrong…
You are wrong
Okay thanks admin.
Found Bond- 2013-01, 4 Million to repair and make improvements to Marina.
Jan. 18, 2013 meeting
January 18, 2013, what is the debt service on that bond that we never used?
What’s the excuse for not fixing the Marina since January 18, 2013? No one on the council said anything about have monies ava for Marina be it Chef’s or MACLERIE? Pavilion is only focus of mayor and cronies unless they can provide rock solid evidence otherwise
Mayor Doherty’s apprenticeship program for business administrators is getting too costly for our taxpayers. For him to say last night, that his biggest fear is that Colleen Connolly is going to realize that she is underpaid was laughable. Hired as as a “consulted” with no other clients or job in the summer of 2012, Ms. Connolly was a political science major with a minor in dance from Douglas. Prior to replacing Bill Young ( another apprentice )Ms. Connolly had no prior experience in municipal administration, no courses in business or administration and no job prospects. What she had was a friendship with the mayor. A product of its who you know and not what you know, we the taxpayers keep paying dearly for her training. Imagine if the mayor and council had advertised and interviewed for a professional vs. a political administrator.
OK I found a 2013 expenditure to Mr. Northgrave’s Firm for issuing bonds for Belmar Ordinance 2011-25 Marina Bulkhead
no way of finding out the original amt. of the bond and why 2 years later, they issued more.
THEN the borough was still charging expenditures to Belmar Marina repair Bond 2009-07.
The 2013-01 Marina Repairs and Improvement was first used for a bill of $100,161.89 BIRD CONSTRUCTION dated
12/17/13 that predates the 2nd reading of the ordinance by 2 months.
BIRD was hired ( don’t know if job bid out ) to repair docks.
We probably owed Bird the hundred grand for 2 months.
#8-What an idiotic question to post……you know nothing about anything if you didn’t that everyone has a right to vote-is this a serious post, Belmar Guy, or do you want to get my goat? Is this question a joke? I think you’re the goat if you honestly didn’t know that everyone is entitled to vote-if you wish to just rile me up, think again…what a pathetic question-serious or not…why are you so concerned about me and my life and my husband and what we do, or don’t do? What are you trying to do-catch me doing something wrong? Who were you going to report me to? What is your fascination/preoccupation with me? This isn’t normal behavior….
Connolly is an on the job training progeny an additional consultant hired to assist in the administration of her duties.
Do you know where the bodies are buried? Will we ever get that knowledge. if you ask me no questions I tell you no lies.
good government needs clean government.
Mr. Mayor, give Colleen a raise and make her employee of the month. She won’t jump ship.
I still can’t stop laughing that she had a minor in dance.
I may find my next “Bond girl” in Belmar, someone with lots of “id” and a feisty streak. Seriously, I want to test Jennifer on her knowledge of the Public Trust Doctrine and the Grau decision. My Bond girl has to have smarts, not just nice hair.
The mayor never actually saw the engineering report, did anyone on council see it.
#23 Come on now, they don’t read anything, like Nancy Pelosi, pass it and find out later what it says (and if it is legal).
Ben Real-The goats are no longer with us-Grace died, and Will was farmed out. I’m not sure whose idea it was to have them as Belmar mascots and workers.(the idea, of having them, however, is not as idiotic as not knowing who can vote)….don’t think I was on council when the goats came on board….I found out that they were no longer with us when I took my granddaughter to see them-that was one of the main attractions when my grandchildren spent time with us in Belmar….they loved seeing the goats, along with the other Belmar sights such as the designated spots (with signs)in Belmar, the environmental beach, the playgrounds (when they were younger) miniature golf, the library,houses with beautiful gardens,the pier, and of course the beach in summer….so the goats were on the Belmar tour for the grandchildren-needless to say, they were dismayed to learn that Will and Grace were gone-that said, I believe that we had Will and Grace so that they could clean up poison ivy and other unwanted greenery.
#22 Today’s Coast Star (Oct. 8) has an article about the three candidates for Council in which Jennifer is quoted, referring to the Taylor Pavilion, as “part of the fabric of our community” and she referenced “the countless groups and organizations in town” that used the pavilion. So then, why should beach goers pay for something that the borough uses that is not exclusively beach related? Of course the taxpayers would have to foot the expenses if the other monies are reduced to replace this proposed expensive building. I have not heard that there will be a debate between all three candidates.
No need on this issue for a debate. Dave is the only candidate opposed. Burke who had the shameful reference to the “Element” Tues. eve. is in lock step with Nicolay ( who never had an original thought in her life). Remember, no matter who wins, that person is still accountable, whether or not they believe that they are.
My theory for why the Business Admin and Mayor never involve the Council is to keep these pretend leaders from possible law suits. If they knew, if they actually voted, they would be actually able to be the defendants. Just a theory.
I was working for a pre-IPO start up based in Silicon Valley. We went public and all was rosy for the first few quarters, then came trouble. We were coming up short on our revenue guidance to the street for the ensuing quarter. Creative accounting took play. In essence the company reported revenue to include $750k that was based on a PO forced from a reseller who had not yet received a PO from their end user. The following quarter the deal went away and the company had to subsequently report the $750k as bad dept. The SEC got involved. The CEO, CFO and the VP of WW Sales were scrutinized and the only one of the three left to survive was the CEO who in all actuality verbally ordered the fraudulent accounting practice. The email traces sunk the other two. The CFO and my good buddy the VP of WW Sales were fired, fined and were not allowed to be an officer in a pubic traded company for a period of five years. The CEO was very smart not to leave any electronic trace. I’m not going to speculate what went down here in Belmar, but folks getting thrown under a bus for ones personal gain is nothing new.
Anyone know why councilman mcgovern abstained on license transfer of connolly station to chefs international
How many law suits does the town have to lose before they take their heads out of the sand ? If I have to hear Matt say he respectfully disagrees with the judges ruling again , it like a vinyl record that just keeps skipping.
Belmar Independent wrote: Comment #27
“No need on this issue for a debate. Dave is the only candidate opposed. Burke who had the shameful reference to the “Element” Tues. eve. is in lock step with Nicolay ( who never had an original thought in her life).
Before questioning the use of a word, looking up what it actually means may be a good idea…..
Element: Dictionary definition
A component or constituent of a whole or one of the parts into which a whole may be resolved by analysis: Bricks and mortar are elements of every masonry wall.
What Burke said:
“For those comments, the extreme elements of the Belmar Republican Committee have treated me Persona non Grata.”
The word is being used correctly in my opinion. It always has been used correctly, even by a former Council member……..a faction, no matter how large or small, is an element to the whole; in this case the electorate.
If you were stating this to any other audience, it sounds like a reasonable response, but not in Belmar and not to people who have been the target by the administration. The term has a great deal of political baggage and was repeated used to MARGINALIZE individuals who disagreed. This very blog has chronicled both its use and voter reaction to its use in Belmar.
Debt, debt, debt.
You Don’t buy your friends or your politicians.
What our Mayor failed to inform the people at this meeting is two fold
1. That the judge not only ruled against the unlawful procedure. But the WORDING it self!! Calling it misleading, inaccurate and extraneous information
2. That the Mayor already knew that no one was going o disenfranchised or suppressed. The new ballots were already being readied to be mailed. Anyone who voted by mail will have the opportunity to vote. So agin he was misleading. Trying to make it seem like HE was going to protect voters rights. Please.
Oh and a 3rd point. The ONLY reason they waited to let DuPont go 4 DAYS AFTER the ruling was because they trying to drag out the beach utility lawsuit decision on the residents pavilion bond vote which was being argued THE NEXT DAY HOW CONVIENENT FIRE OUR ATTORNEY AT THE ELEVENTH HOUR
But that’s ok. We just go Tuesday October 12. The judge said she WILL have a ruling before the election
Sorry. Tuesday October 13th. Freehold Monmouth county courthouse. 830 judge Gummer 3rd floor
We will aee yo at 8:30 am Judge Gummer’s court, 3rd floor of west wing, Monmouth County Courthouse, Freehold Tuesday 10/13/15
#32 – Tom, you seem to be a wordologist. What does the dictionary say about the word “Quisling?”
Gypo Nolan
Just a quick question Mr. Burke. If I walk into a voting booth and you and Jennifer Nicolay were the only two on the ballot, what would make a vote for you any different than a vote for her ? What sets you apart from any other “rubber stamp” ? Quite honestly, from what I’ve seen and read, nothing.
Mr. Burke recently presented his “views” in a hand delivered campaign document. There are only three points addressed in his “views” … and I surmise from that that he’s either comfortable with or oblivious to other significant and critical issues that residents are raising with (in some cases legally challenging)our currently administration.
First bullet point: “Boardwalk Pavilions…vote yes on November 3rd.” First, “Pavilions”. The safety building has been approved for construction and is not an issue, unless its being “bundled” in some future, anticipated bidding plan with the ONE pavilion that will be included on November’s ballot. Mr. Burke’s confusing No/Yes flipflop on this issue suspiciously lacks the hallmarks of an well considered independent thinker. Mr. Burke also mentions in this first bullet point “Remove the trailers on Ocean Avenue and replace them with bicycle lanes.” While I am grateful to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Committee for their efforts this year, I remain skeptical that painting lines behind the diagonal parking along Ocean Avenue will create a better sight line for people pulling out of parking spaces.
Second bullet point: “I would like to move the Seafood Festival to the fall, and call for us to redefine the mission and organization of the overall topic of Belmar tourism.” Yes, the Seafood Fest was a major concern this year, and raised very serious concerns about safety, quality of life, and the appropriateness and scope of Belmar’s tourist marketing efforts. In comparison to this three-day fiasco, however, Mr. Burke’s views do not seem to recognize (or acknowledge?) the summer-long safety and quality of life consequences that residents now endure due to our thriving bar businesses, and the tens of thousands of young people who flock here weekly during the summer to “party.” With our current administration “tolerance” and Mr. Burke’s apparent indifference to this issue I foresee Belmar’s continued decline as a community.
Third bullet point: “I promote the development and adoption of a published debt repayment plan for our community. And any new proposed debt would have to amend that ongoing debt repayment policy.” First, let’s backtrack to Mr. Burke’s first platform “view” .. increasing debt with the construction of a multi-million dollar pavilion. Mr. Burke, sir, I humbly suggest that you advocate for the resident’s of Belmar to be given a pre-election published accounting from our administration of all Belmar’s current outstanding debts, loans, grants-in-kind, submitted proposals that would incur additional debt, major infrastructure projects awaiting financial backing, etc.
Enough. Dave, you have my vote.
#41, I’ve been saying for a while now that the last thing Belmar needs is more tourists. Glad to see others are finally starting to see the light.
BTW, right after Sandy Jim Bean suggested we take the opportunity to widen Ocean Ave to make room for bike lanes. Matt wouldn’t hear of anything that might prevent the new boardwalk from being completed by Memorial Day. So much for that idea.
Thanks for the support!
I did not get a handout, no time anyway to read more of Burke’s rambling thoughts. Dave keep up the great work you have a handle on everything that is Belmar, everything that could help us and is common sense. I am voting for you, good luck. I am voting against the pavilion. We just spent $900,000 to fix a portion of the bulkhead in need of emergent repair and the mayor and council have no idea where it is located and have not read the engineering report allegedly revealing the unsafe issue. The pavilions BOTH of them will cost millions of dollars in debt placed on the back of taxpayers. I do not trust the mayor or any council member, not if they are making financial decisions and spending millions of our dollars without any research and verification.
Taxpayers have to pay for conniving machinations by council campaign promises, slogans and rhetoric. JUST FOOLIN’ the voters.
The direction they use in their argument against the lawsuit essentially says to the court that campaign literature, rhetoric cannot be relied upon by the court or the voters in Belmar. So Vote NO
#41. Thank you for your comments. Mr. Burke has no idea about our concerns in the Western Section of Belmar. That is fine, for Dave has written 3 blogs highlighting the concerns of the Maclearie Park neighborhood in only 1 month’s time. Considering that this issue is now 3 years old this month, I am not available at this late date to inform Mr. Burke on the issue. He will simply now, roll with the punches.
Winners and Losers
Winners: the Mayor’s political prospects
and reputation, Corp. like Chefs International. The borough employee’s pensions
Loosers: Those of us who want peace and quite and who pay dearly for the winners to get what they want. Future generations.
Still waiting for Burke’s endorsements, after 10 months of blah, blah and blah are those supporters via his lame website actually going to endorse him?
They are limited to:
Mayor Matt
Mark Fitzgerald
did I miss one?
Who on the Planning Board that you were appointed to will endorse you?
Who on the Safety Committee that you serve on, the Pavilion Committee you started… will endorse you? I am waiting.
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